8 - A New Start

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- 1 Week After Chapter VII
- Hunters Training Field
- MidDay
- Your POV

It's been a week since I became a mentor for the hunters. Father still haven't fixed the portal machine and hasn't updated me. I wonder if something happened.

You: All of you should take a break for now.

One of the hunters came towards me with a message.

Veteran Hunter: Captain, a message for you. It came from the Eastern Village.

I took the message and unfolded it. It's a recruitment message from a girl named Angel. Apparently she wants to join the squad.

You: When is her arrival?

Veteran Hunter: She's already here.

You: Then why did she bother sending me a letter?

Veteran Hunter: Well...

He looks at a girl who's peeking at me, which is Angel I suppose. He looks back at me to finish his reply.

Veteran Hunter: She's shy.

You: Tell her to come here. Need to talk to her.

Veteran Hunter: Yes, sir.

I sat on the wooden bench next to some training swords and some bows. Not long until she sits down beside me.

You: You're Angel, right?

Angel: Y- Yes. I heard that you've been teaching hunters a week ago. They said that you killed a dragon by yourself. A Wyvern to be specific.

You: Yes, I did. I also heard that the Eastern Village has the strongest fighters of Fantasia.

Angel: So?

You: Why bother joining here?

Angel: It's because... no one wants to teach me there. You see, my father wants me to become a strong warrior. You'll help me achieve that dream, won't you?

I need time to think about this before making my decision. I mean, she does look like desperate to become a warrior.

You: Alright. Meet me at my room tomorrow morning. If you have any problems, talk to me.

Angel: Y- Yes, sir!

I stood up from the bench and went to visit the guild room.

You: I'm back.

Mayumi jumps and wraps her arms around me.

Mayumi: Captain!

You: Hey, not so sudden, Mayumi.

Christiane: How's your day?

She says this while smiling and her hands behind her back.

You: Why does those words feel like you're my wife?

Christiane: Eh?!

She blushes red and lowers her head.

You: Where are the others?

Ilya: Clint is at the Western Village to go bounty hunting, Enju ventures around the forest, looking for someone to fight, Katsumi and Alisa are at the Central Kingdom and your sisters are... just outside.

You: When will they return? I'm talking about the four, not my sisters of course.

Ilya: We made a decision that they should be back here early evening.

You: Is that so. Well, I'll be heading back to my room. I need to doze off for a while.

I left the room and went to the high rank guild rooms. I opened my room door and hung my scan bars and my mask behind the door. I got in the bed and closed my eyes.

Two Worlds (Original Characters x Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt