20 - Royal Liaison

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Is she the one who let me sleep here?

She enters the room with two guards beside her.

You: Hello, princess. I- Ah!

My left side still hurts from that impact last night. I gonna have to use my mother's spell if I'm going to fix this.

Lucia: Please, don't move to much. Alisa told me that the left side of your rib cage has been... well... shattered. I applied some healing spell on you. You will recover after a week.

My rib cage has been shattered? But... I'm still alive? How did that happen?

She starts staring at me.

Lucia: You have such cute red eyes.

You: You know that you shouldn't flatter a demon like me.

Lucia: No. I'm serious.

I need to change the topic fast. I can stand this kind of talk.

You: I must ask, princess... Have you... fell for someone before?

She gets taken aback from what I said.

Lucia: I did... But he's... He's dead now.

You: Let me guess. He died fighting Urkanus for the safety of Fantasia.

Lucia: Yeah. How did you know?

You: He's... Uhm... He's a friend of mine... I... Uh... Who am I kidding?

Lucia: What? What is it?

You: He's not dead.

Lucia: Wait, what?

You: You heard me right. He's just out there somewhere. You can't prove that someone is dead just by seeing their clothing.

Royal Guard 1: Nomad, are you sure about what you're saying?

Royal Guard 2: You better not be mesmerizing our princess. We won't hold back on killing you if you did.

Lucia calms down her guards by signalling them.

Lucia: Hush. It's like you two can kill a demon who kills an entire army by himself.

Royal Guard 1: Apologies, princess.

Royal Guard 2: Apologies.

She gets back on talking to me. But this time, no one to interfere our conversation.

Lucia: He's alive?

You: From what I believe, he is.

The king suddenly enters the room.

CK King: Lucia, we need to call in more medicine men. We're lacking aid for our soldiers!... What's a demon doing here?!

Lucia latches onto me as a signal of protection.

Lucia: Father, he's the one who saved us! We should be thankful to him.

CK King: What?... A demon... would help humans? I don't believe this.

You: I did my best to keep your daughter and your  kingdom away from harm.

CK King: That's not going to make me calm.

You: Your greatest warrior, (Y/N) killed our past lord. He is now our new king. And he orders me to serve as protection of Fantasia.

Maybe that lie is convincing enough for him to believe me. After all, using my name always gets me out of trouble. At least for now. I still don't know when should I tell or reveal the truth.

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