19 - Honor Rivalry

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This was a hard decision, but I think I could trust them. Even if we just met like today.

You: M- My real name isn't Nomad. Lethelathos just made that up.

Silicia: Wait, what?

You: I'm a hybrid of angel and a demon.

Miyako: Really?!

You: Yeah. I want you to know who I really am.

I started taking off my skull mask.

Miyako: Wait. Let us do it.

You: Uhm... Okay.

They both went close to me and took of my mask. They're face suddenly looked like they've seen a ghost.

Silicia: Wait. Y- You're...

You: My real name is (Y/N).

Miyako: (Y/N)!

Miyako hugs me. I can feel her flat bare chest pressing against my left shoulder.

Silicia: Wait, Miyako, that's indecent!

Silicia grabs my other arm and starts pulling me away from Miyako.

Miyako: I'm his number one fan!

Silicia: Are you the only one?!

You: Could you guys at least calm down?

They both let go off me.

You: Like I said. I'm a hybrid of angel and a demon. You probably heard about a traitor in the Underworld.

Miyako: We don't know the name, but yeah, I heard about it.

You: He was my father. I don't even know the name of him myself.

Silicia: Why is that?

You: My stepfather told me that my mother and father sacrificed themselves for my safety. They both died because of Urkanus. He also killed my friend priestess, Katsumi.

Miyako: You have a priestess as a friend?!

You: I consider it as more than friends.

Miyako: Why?

You: Do you know Amiela?

Silicia: Ah, yes. The succubus that betrayed the lord himself.

You: I'm the one who have her turn her back against him. What Urkanus was doing was enslaving her and her sister.

Miyako: So, what's the connection of her from your relationship with the priestess.

You: Not just the priestess.

Silicia: Then who else?

It's actually quite hard to say the name one by one, but am it's the only way for them to understand it.

You: Elisa, Mayumi, Christiane, Ilya and Amiela herself... Amiela cursed me with a succubus spell.

Miyako: That's probably the one she told us that if you didn't choose her as your wife within a month, you'll die.

You: That's the one.

Silicia: But how did you survive that?

Back to this topic again.

You: There's two choices. It's either I become her husband or sacrifice six virgins to dispel my curse.

Miyako: You're not a virgin anymore?

You: Yeah. I was forced by those six virgins. Got tied into a bed and... just used me like their toy or something.

Silicia: So you planned to accept your death for a long time?

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