11 - Spared

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I got up and backed away from them. I walked towards Mayumi and the others.

Shit. They must've sucked too much. I'm too weak to fight them.

You: Elise! Turn back now!

Katsumi: Through here!

Katsumi opens up a blue portal. We all ran out there which led us back to Elise's hideout. I tried walking, but fell to the ground due to my weakness.

You: *Breathing Heavily*

Christiane: What were you thinking?! You know that you can't face her alone.

You: I guess I might've underestimated her that time. I didn't know she also has potentials.

Christiane assisted me up.

Clint: You're one dumb sumbitch.

You: Hey. I didn't know at first, alright?

Katsumi: Let me patch your neck up.

Katsumi places both of her hands on both sides of my neck. I can feel the holes being sealed.

Katsumi: That should stop the bleeding.

You: Yeah. Thanks, Katsumi. I'll be careful from now on.

Enju: You better be.

Elise: Come on. Let me help you get to the bed. Get some rest.

I think it's the best time to strike when she's not expecting it. I need to come up with something someday.

- 1 Week Later
- Northern Village
- Ilya's Guild Room

I've been doing nothing except following what people around the Northern Village does. Kind of like how things work in the modern world.

Ilya: Time for a feast!

You: Jeez. You don't have to shout it out like that.

Clint: Let him be, (Y/N). Some people just need moments they can enjoy. Like Ilya, who's just about to enjoy our feast.

Christiane: I have zero complaints.

Mayumi: Same here.

Angel: Complaints are none here.

Elise: No complaints either.

Aya: I have none.

Ayumi: None as well.

Enju: Excellent. Let us begin.

We had a topic to topic talk, avoiding the one about Amiela and the curse that's been applied to me. I'm getting a feeling that they already forgot it. All this is fine, as long as I'm having fun with my friends and my sisters.

- 1 Hour Later

Even after an hour, we're still talking.

Clint: And that's how I caught my bounty. It was a piece of cake.

You: What can we expect? Your smart and eagle eyed. I'm willing to learn that from you.

Clint: If that's what you want, then follow me to your training area, so we can train you there.

You: Sure thing.

Both Clint and I stood up. But before I head outside, I looked back at them.

You: I'll leave the rest to you guys.

I put on my mask and walked outside. I followed Clint to the training grounds. No one is there since it's a day off.

Clint: Hold this.

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