I know feel more comfortable knowing she will be with me as I plan meals as a private chef with three main clients.

      Theses are big clients in the Boston area who were riding with me since I became a private chef four years ago.

    Didn't know how being a restaurant chef and private was going to work but it did it's a good flow without stress.

     I make it work cause I love food and people and one person that I am loving on more is that chocolate lady in my room.

      By the way she is sleeping she is stressing so she gets breakfast in bed and I will feed her.  Then we go to the meetings no staying here alone.

       The ladies who are trying to know her might know where I stay. Gotta get to Andre soon as possible.

     I prepare eggs, wheat toast and mixed tropical fruit with coffee and juice with jam! Walk upstairs she is still sleep.

     Bella hey you""I made breakfast as I nudge her cute nose. She tosses a bit before awakening "" oh ok let me go to the bathroom first freshen my mouth.

    No! Come here! No my morning breath! Lol it's ok kiss me and I kiss her! Feels good to do that with the right one.

      She looks at me laughing in my T-shirt! It's a beautiful sight to see.

    Here eat now! I feed her! She sits down and does! ""I am so hungry Jackson those women scared me and I messed up a perfectly good meal you made for me.

    I think those women knew Melissa and my nerves went all off I was already emotional you know this.

    Don't worry I will get Andre on it and see what there motives are about you. Because you with me they coming after you and I am sorry.

  Cause a relationship I should have not gotten in went bad. I will take care of this for sure.

      Jackson it's ok you didn't know she still harbored feelings the way she did and I wanna be with you so I am in it with you.

     Please don't let me get back to two months ago with the urinating or mood swings and sleeping too much promise me cause Melissa took a toll on me! Protect me from me.

   I will keep eating you need food and you going with me to meetings today.

   But! I gotta work Jackson"" no you don't your sister officially said your off and canceled the appointments for you today and tomorrow until these women stop stalking you.

    They came by the salon this morning but your sister sent them out.

    You with me today and yes your mad but it's your safety Bella. I know it's just why me? I don't know these women to keep bothering me.

I know you don't precious and it will be dealt you too awesome and spunky to be kept down.

   I am glad she ate all the breakfast made me happy and I kissed her! Tasting the tropical fruit. I love kissing her I do!

    You wanna go get ready as I clean up the kitchen and we go to our first meeting and you got a say so.

Oh I do! Yess you do with me! I love a woman who speaks her mind it's sexy and you are.

Isabella POV

He is wonderful in this mess of mine and I will not pout about not going to work until these ladies leave me alone.

So I take a shower and put on my outfit to be with him throughout the day as he goes to his appointments.
I wanna be comfortable as I am with him yet cute. Along with my big green bag.

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