I scoff. "You better let go before I make you regret it."

He chuckles into my ear darkly, the tone sending shivers down my spine and he smirks. "What Jimin wants, Jimin gets. And right now, he wants you, kitten."

I stare up at him, setting my plan in motion.

Jimin's POV

She's staring at me now and I have to fight back the groan that threatens to escape my lips as I stare down at her.

Her big, black eyes are shining with innocence which I know she doesn't posses and her tiny lips push out to a pout. I don't see her hair but that's okay because her face is something that I could marvel at forever.

Without a word, her tiny hands trail up my shoulders, down to my neck and then down to my arms which continue to hold her in place.

I feel every touch. Every touch that doesn't fail to send chills down my spine and ignite every fibre within me, to yearn with desire just for her.

Just for my black-eyed, feisty little kitten.

She continues her little show, teasing me, and it takes every fibre within my being to stop myself from taking her then and there.

She grabs my arms and takes them off her, placing them to my sides and eventually, her hands continue to feel me up, until they reach my shoulders and wrap themselves around my neck.

She leans in and I feel her warm breathe hitting my ear.

She nibbles on my earlobe and lets out a breathy moan against my ear. I moan back.

"Kitten. You better stop while I can still control myself." I warn darkly.

I hear a sinister giggle and she speaks. "Mr. Park, you will never have me."

She pulls away and I look at her, confused until I realize what she's been doing all along.

Have I just...been played?

My stare turns into that of disbelief and I scoff it out, mouth agape.

She gives me a little wave and a flirty wink, strutting out of the class, leaving me to drown in my thoughts of disbelief, denial and confusion.

I glare at the door darkly and portray my thoughts out loud.

"Just who are you, Shinsung Yoon?"

Kira's POV

As I walk out of the classroom, a wave of satisfaction washes over me.

Serves him right for being a horny bastard and thinking I was an easy lay.

Kira Song is anything but easy.

I made a mental note to give him at least one positive point as he tried his best to control himself and didn't all out force himself on me, like any other male in his position would do.

A smile of triumph makes it's way onto my lips once more as I recall the events, continuing to walk towards my locker.

I open it and place my book inside, just as the bell rings, signalling the end of the period. But also the beginning of another.

I now prepare myself for my creative writing class and I take my time to place all of my materials into my bag, hearing the students slowly fill up the hallway behind me.

I feel a presence beside me and see Jimin right next to my locker.

I mentally groan as he opens his, and glare up to the sky - well in this case, it's the roof - for raining down such bad luck upon me.

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