Ch12: You think it's okay, I think it's not that okay

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Let me throw some Namheun and another BTS member with Choheun in the mix. ;)

And maybe angst I guess?

Namjoon didn't know how long they had been staying in the ground, surrounded by the early winter coldness of the year in March.

He listened to the sobs and gasps Choheun was making, rubbing her back as the sounds slowly softened and quietened considerably as time passed and the harsh tremble of her body tucked in his embrace relaxed until she slumped against him, exhausted and so, so very small.

Choheun's breathing was shaky and quiet, keeping her head buried in his chest as she shuffled closer, Namjoon's larger frame literally hiding her from any eyes around them and the rapper moved his chin on top of her head. His fingers slower carded through her cold yet soft hair, a small smile twitching on his lips when he felt the young teen practically melt at his touch, seeming to lean to it subconsciously and unknowingly whined slightly in her throat.

After what felt like forever, Namjoon felt the teen start to shift, squirming slightly on his lap and he slowly (and really reluctantly-) pulled away, far enough to see Choheun do the same but she kept her sweater paws on his chest, peering up at him through shiny lashes.

He smiled small and soft, lowering his voice as he spoke, "Are you okay now, Choheun? he asked gently, definitely aware how he dropped all the formalities, but for some reason to him, he didn't want to add formalities anymore. Especially after what had happened (and maybe because he had secretly wanted to try and call her a little casually like how the others did—he was just nervous and a little bit of a scaredy-cat to do it).

Choheun stared at him, briefly at his eyes, before she averted her gaze shyly, leaning closer to cover half of her face with her sweater paws that were still clutching his front jacket. "I'm... I think so..." she answered slowly, hesitant. Namjoon knew she really was not okay, not a single bit, mentally and emotionally, but he didn't want to pressure her, not when they barely spoke to each other and he wasn't Jimin or Jin.

Namjoon sighed quietly, not able to help himself and lifted a hand up to gently caress her head, Choheun blinking up at him in confusion and uncertainty with a subtle rose blush on her cheeks but she didn't move away from his touch. If anything, she was actually giving him permission to continue, even leaning towards it again and Namjoon would never admit how his chest warmed a little that Choheun wasn't afraid of him and evidently showed it.

He turned his head to the side, frowning a bit at the grocery the girl had bought all sprawled on the ground not too far from them. "I'm sorry I was late. If I made it a little faster, maybe then you could've cooked something back home." He tried to lighten up the mood, pointedly shifting the main topic away.

Choheun must've noticed but didn't mind the change of topic, following his gaze and nodded slowly, a small pout forming on her face (oh, now he understood why Jin kept gushing about her last week). "It's okay, Kim Namjoon-ssi. I... uh, also bought some instant cup noodles and ramyeon. Not everything went to waste." She followed along, finally moving away from him (he didn't want her to go yet-) and the rapper stood up, patting his clothes and helped the girl up by offering her a hand she took without hesitation.

Which surprised him, but no one would be hearing him pointing it out or complaining about it. In fact, he welcomed how she was letting herself relax around him.

It really shouldn't make him feel happy, but it did.

Namjoon nodded, about to say something but the words got stuck in his throat when he just noticed the redness seeping through from under her bangs. Before Choheun could make a move to shakily pick the grocery, Namjoon shot his hand out and grabbed her wrist, preventing her from stepping away from him.

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