Ch11: From the eyes of the cold night, I try to hide myself

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Warning: Brief harassment. I do not approve of anyone going out in the middle of the night alone, even if from where I'm from pretty much anyone can go out alone and have a walk at 3am. Please stay safe.

Tbh, I didn't expect for this to happen like this, and it's not even completely finished lmao.

It ended up being longer than necessary, but, regardless, I'm pretty okay with it. Yay!
^ ^

Okay, this was ridiculous. Her brother was so damn stubborn that it literally took her almost five minutes to persuade Dohyuk to end the call.

"Oppa, I think it's time to end the call."

"What?! Already?! B-but I wasn't even done explaining-"

"Dohyuk-oppa, it's already ten in the evening, pretty late, and you should sleep, I should sleep, we should both sleep-" a lie, because she wanted to make dinner and eat since she hadn't eaten a thing when she got back, "-I really need to go and wasting my battery right now is not advisable."

"Butbut jagiyaaa~! Can't you just, I don't know, charge your phone? You have the power bank Kaejjinie-yah gave you, right? It's not that late~" Dohyuk whined through the screen, causing the teen to roll her eyes so hard her head moved with it. Fondly and playfully, of course.

Nope. Not really. Not the latter. She was more annoyed and exasperated than anything.

And she couldn't choose between laughing her head off at the adorable and ridiculous nickname he gave her best friend (though he always said it around her and the male in question), or shake her head in exasperation. Plus, wasn't he always the one scolding her for staying up late? Now he was asking to talk longer? What a stubborn hypocrite.

She chose the second option, in the end, and added another eye roll with it because it's Dohyuk. She might've rolled her eyes all the time without noticing it because. Dohyuk.

"Goodnight, oppa." The man whined more but she ignored it. "Sweet dreams, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, la la la la, yada yada yada, though I highly doubt there are any of those little critters left roaming there, or I swear..." she muttered the last part and Dohyuk must've heard it anyway since he bursts out laughing, the sound loud yet breathy and filling her with warm flowers blooming in her stomach. God did she love him. So damn much.

"Fair enough. You managed to convince me to sleep because, now that you mentioned it, I am feeling pretty tired." Dohyuk chuckled, a yawn suddenly breaking free as if to prove his point and didn't make a move to cover it, an obvious sign that he was more tired than he looked (he was tired-looking and pale, to begin with, so...).

Choheun giggled airily, feeling her eyes curve up that her vision was just slightly restricted before calming down, suddenly feeling demure and played with the edge of her phone. "I...I love you, Dohyuk-oppa." She said softly, voice turning a little quiet and shy every time she would utter those words. Not only to her brother, but to her family, really (even to Jaegoo. She only relented when he wanted to hear her say it).

Dohyuk's response to it was the same as always, smile wide and idiotic like a lovestruck teenager, eyes just as soft as hers and smile wide, tender, doting, and so affectionate that it made him more handsome (before Eunji, Dohyuk was a pretty good-looking boy back then, he was just as dense as she was, though). He seemed to love those words said to him even more than her saying it, if that made any sense. "I love you, too, baby. So much."

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