10. Spencer 🤓

Comincia dall'inizio

Melissa rolled her eyes when she saw the three girls. "Aren't you supposed to be at Alison's?"

"Hi, girls!" Ian said cheerfully.

"Hi, Ian," Ali said sweetly, batting her eyes like she always did when a cute guy was talking to her.

"You still need help with your scoop, Spence?" Ian asked her, ignoring Ali completely. "I've got my stick in the car."

Ian had been coaching Spencer on her field hockey skills since he started dating Melissa. Both sisters had been obsessed with the sport for a long time, and Ian happened to be a really good coach. Ian and Spencer had practiced before, but Spencer wasn't expecting it to happen again anytime soon. For some reason, Melissa didn't like when Ian hung out with her.

"What are you? Her babysitter?" Melissa asked. She chuckled at her own joke and started to pull Ian up the stairs toward her bedroom.

Alison turned to Spencer just before the couple disappeared up the stairs to do nothing more than sit next to each other and read. "You need to tell your sister," she said.

Melissa and Ian stopped in their tracks. Melissa rolled her eyes again, as if she was expecting Alison to start some kind of drama. That's what Alison was best at after all. She loved to turn a perfect day into a drama filled day of craziness. "Tell me what?" Melissa asked, looking at Spencer.

The room fell completely silent. Alison had cast her spell, and now it was up to Spencer to steer this conversation in the opposite direction as quickly as possible. Ali looked at Spencer eagerly, waiting to see what she would do. "Nothing," she lied smoothly, hoping that Melissa would just accept that answer and forget about it. Spencer glared at Ali, who seemed unbothered by the situation.

Melissa shrugged. "Come on," she said to Ian, and she dragged him up to her lair as she did so.

Spencer rounded on Alison. She had never been so angry at her in her life. How dare she bring her sister into something that didn't involve her? What Melissa didn't know wasn't going to kill her, and Alison had no right to try to get Spencer to tell her. "Outside," Spencer demanded before pushing through the back door.

Alison followed her out into the backyard, strutting like she owned the place. Spencer shut the door behind them before Hanna could join them. She couldn't risk even one more person knowing what had happened. Alison was the only person who knew, and that was only because she had been a witness to it. "What the hell are you doing?" Spencer asked through her clenched teeth.

Ali turned to face her, her lips curved into a sneer. "She's gonna find out," she said, crossing her arms.

"No, she's not," Spencer said.

Alison smiled, the same way a snake smiles at an unsuspecting mouse. "I promise you, she is," she said, "because if you don't tell her, I will."

Spencer's mouth dropped open. She couldn't believe Alison was threatening her like this. She would get in so much trouble if her sister found out what had happened earlier that summer. Melissa would tell the whole family, and Spencer would never hear the end of it. She couldn't bear her sister and her family hating her, and that was exactly what would happen. Alison knew that too. "I thought you were my friend," Spencer said, her voice cracking slightly.

"Don't you get it?" Alison said with a short laugh. "I'm trying to help you do the right thing!"

"It was one kiss!" Spencer exclaimed.

Alison scoffed and shook her head. She turned and started to step off the back porch to go back to her own house. It was right next door, and all she would have to do was push through the gap in the bushes before she arrived in her own backyard. It was their secret way of hanging out without anyone else seeing them.

Spencer lunged forward and grabbed Ali's arm before she could disappear off the porch. "Now, you listen to me, Alison—"

"Or what?" Alison spat back.

Spencer's heart raced as she looked into Alison's fierce blue eyes. Alison was a great fighter, but Spencer knew exactly what would keep her quiet. She wasn't afraid to use her greatest weapon against Ali. "If you say one word to my sister about Ian, I will tell everyone the truth about the Jenna Thing."

Alison glared at Spencer and shoved her arm off her own. She stormed off the porch and vanished behind the bushes lining their backyards. Spencer let her go. It wasn't worth fighting over anymore. Besides, they didn't need Alison to enjoy their day together. Hanna and Spencer would find something to do together.

Spencer hadn't thought about that day in months. That was the only instance of Ali thinking that Spencer wanted one of Melissa's boyfriends that she could think of. Alison had been the only person who knew anything about that day. Not even Hanna had known what was going on when she and Ali had gone onto the porch.

A flash of light caught Spencer's attention from the window facing Alison's old house. Spencer stood and walked over to the window she had been looking out at for her entire life. She hadn't seen even the slightest hint of movement for the year since the DiLaurentises had moved out, but a lamp had just been turned on. As Spencer's eyes glanced into the room, she thought she saw a flash of blonde hair whip out of sight. There was no way. The new family was black, weren't they?

A chill ran down Spencer's spine. "Alison?" she gasped.

She stared out the window for a long time, waiting for the next hint of Alison in the next house over. No sign of her missing best friend showed itself. She assumed it must have just been a trick of the light. There was no way that Alison was back. She would've made a much bigger scene for her dramatic return. Spencer tried to go back to her book, but her mind was racing way too fast. With one final glance at the house next door, she closed the curtains and got ready for bed, determined to forget the whole thing.

Pretty Little Liars: The Beginning {Episodes 1-10} (REVISED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora