"Nothing, I...," I was cut off by a noise that resembled the starting of a lawnmower. Tommy and I looked at each other, puzzled, as we made our way towards Nikki, who was sitting under an umbrella at one of the patio tables, reading a book. The large jug of PowerAde sitting next to him led me to believe he was still as dehydrated from the previous night as I was. Good to know someone else still felt like shit. He looked up at us as we approached.

"What's up?" Nikki looked up at us, his incredibly gorgeous fuck me eyes were hidden by his sunglasses. Thank God.

"Dude, what the fuck was that noise?" Tommy asked, still looking around trying to locate the source.

"The lawnmower," Nikki replied, lighting a cigarette.

"I didn't even know I had a lawn mower," Tommy replied, still looking baffled.

"Is the gardener here?" I asked, mentally scanning my day planner. I didn't think the gardener was due to come until the following Monday.

"Nope," Nikki said, a slight smile forming on his perfect lips. "Storm."

"Storm?" Tommy and I said in unison.

Nikki's smile turned into an all-out grin as he exhaled. "Yep."

"What the fuck is she doing mowing the lawn?" Tommy asked in disbelief.

"Here's the deal," Nikki began. "When I went to pick her up at the police station, I ran into some of the parents of the other kids she decided to go joy riding with. Turns out they were all at a party and when it got busted, they all piled into the Lexus to try and take off."  Nikki flicked ashes off the end of his cigarette. Tommy and I nodded as we both took seats across from him to hear all about the rest of the previous night's drama. "But, of course they were stopped before Storm even turned on the ignition. Apparently, all of their blood alcohol levels were way over the limit."

"Damn," Tommy replied, leaning back in his chair and shaking his head. I remained silent. I was all too familiar with this type of situation. The whole thing made me sick to my stomach. "They could have killed someone. Or themselves."

"No doubt," Nikki nodded in agreement. "Anyway, grounding Storm doesn't seem to be working, so I took a different approach. I figured the best thing for her hangover would be a lovely day of working outside in the hot sun. I said as much in front of the other parents and they loved it. They made their kids get into the car with me and told me to call them when I fucking feel like it."

"Hence the lawnmower, "I replied as I looked around the yard. There were four girls and one guy. They guy was pushing the lawnmower around Tommy's massive yard and looked like he was on the verge of passing out. Two of the girls were on their hands and knees in the grass picking up random cigarette butts and anything else left on the lawn after the party. Finally, I found the third girl and Storm, who were at the other end of the driveway. Apparently, they were nominated to wash all of Tommy's cars. All ten of them. By washing, I mean vacuuming the interior, doing the windows, tires, rims, as well as washing and waxing the exteriors. She was currently working on Tommy's silver Porsche.

"Shit," Tommy said with a smile on his face as he scanned his property, "I'll be they think twice before taking another drink anytime soon."

"Exactly," Nikki replied, putting out his cigarette.

"Dude, that's fucking brilliant," Tommy laughed. "Anybody puke, yet?"

"No, but you can tell they want to."

I smiled and nodded in agreement. I knew for damn sure the last thing I would want while hung over was to be working in the hot sun being Nikki's bitch. Well, actually...never mind.

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