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Genesis's POV

What is good?

What is bad?

What is evil?

Is there really a true definition for any of them?

Who is to say what good and bad is? 

What qualifications must you have to decide these things? 

Some people say its experience but quoting Oscar Wilde, 'Experience is just the name we give our mistakes,'

I've been called a lot of things during my life, a psychopath a sociopath, sick, vile, evil. I've never disputed any of these claims, after all, there has to be something wrong in my brain that makes me get a kick out of watching the light drain out of people's eyes or the euphoric feeling I get when I slice through flesh, even the warmth of crimson blood staining my hands.

I still feel things, it's not like I'm completely empty inside although I may feel like it most of the time. I understand what sadness, anger, love, and regret is. I've suffered at the cruel hands of grief and disappointment. I've had to teach myself these things though, I kind of have to force myself to feel even the worst kind of emotions.

Sometimes I feel like there's this switch in my brain. On one side I can get so overwhelmed with emotion that my judgment gets clouded and my brain haywires or the other side I don't feel anything at all. I'm just this hollow mess, that is only filled with blood and organs instead of a soul.

I don't control this switch it decides for me when I can or cannot be human. I've begged for it before, tried to flip the switch one way or another but it's never that easy.

Nothing is that easy.

The names and words that are thrown at me by vicious tongues echo around my head in an endless loop on days like this.

Loveless. I couldn't love the idiots the world provided.

Emotionless. I have emotions like everyone else they are just too stupid to see it.

Heartless. Should I have a heart for those who I have hurt to get where I am?

Manipulative. I merely grasp opportunity when given and nothing less. Too many accept so little when they could have more.

Liar. Aren't we all liar's? Little children biting their tongues to keep the truth.

Con Artist. Just because I use other peoples weakness to my advantage, how is it my fault that they can't see what's right in front of me?

Narcissist. Why must the world be resentful of my care for my reputation and appearance?

Sociopath. Why does the world fear those who lead the path of Society?


I don't think it is an accident that it is the reptile, the snake, that symbolizes evil in our myths. For these creatures do not require love to raise their young as mammals do. As such they do not evolve an ability to feel love, only to survive.

Likewise, the psychopath does not feel love, they are an evolutionary throwback to our reptilian brains, an accident of genetics. A mistake made in our slow development, one of the many flaws our DNA curse's us with.

Everyone thinks they have me so figured out but they don't. They aren't even close to understanding what goes on in my head and no one ever will. I'm good at pretending. I'm good at putting on a facade for the outside world. It's the only way to survive in a society like this.

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