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Genesis's POV 

Six months.

It had been six months since my best friends took their last painful breath.

Six months since I found their bodies violated and their blood staining my carpet.

Six months since my world was torn apart.

Six months. Three hours. Forty-six minutes and Twelve seconds since I made it my mission to destroy each and every person who ripped away two innocent girls lives.

It took me two months just to track the guys down. The bastards were good. They knew how to cover their tracks which gave me reason enough to believe that Crystal and Sapphire weren't there first people they'd tortured, raped and killed.

Something within me twinged. God even their names hurt to even think about. I guess it was better than nothing. I hadn't been feeling much of anything since I found them. Not since I picked myself up of the floor, moved to close each of my best friends eyes and said my final goodbyes.

It was like a void inside me. A dark void. A never-ending dark void that consumed everything, so I'm left feeling nothing. 


Nothing to subside my hollow soul that crept in the shadows, away from any other human life because it's emptiness is so consuming I cannot bare to pretend that everything is okay.

 But nothing is okay.

 I'm just a hollow plastic doll with a painted happy face revealing no guilt, sadness, emptiness - emotion.

Someone called it grief. That hollowness.

I've never grieved anyone before. Sure I'd killed people more than I could count but I never mourned them. Same with my parents, I barely had any memories of them and my baby sister but I never truly grieved them because I could manage to distance myself from that. However, I couldn't do that with my two best friends. Everywhere I looked there was something that would trigger a memory.

Walking into a kitchen triggered a memory of all the days Crys and I would laugh at Sapphires inability to make anything even remotely edible. Seeing a school would remind me of the days when the twins were so happy to be schooled and happy to drag me with them. Simply seeing two blonde girls together made my heart hurt and cause pain to almost make me drop to my knees.

Grief. It felt like emptiness in your heart, a shear of nothingness that somehow takes over and holds your soul and threatens to kill you entirely. It gives you this heavy feeling that's like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders and there is nothing you can do to get out from under it. It's like this hole in your heart that is the shape of the people you lost and that makes you feel the need to wipe away any non-existent tears that you want to form but can't.

The girls should be alive and happy and not six feet under. They should have been there to laugh with me, or at me, or just near me. Crystal should be making her latte's in that damn expensive machine and complaining about the unfairness of society. Sapphire should be filling out college applications and whining about how much school sucks. They should both be gossiping about the entitled kids at school and discussing the people they had crushes on. But most of all they should be here, to hug and hold and criticize me about my own life choices. I missed all that. Now there was just a graveyard, a stone that bore their names and their cold bones beneath the soil.

They were both dead and all I could now do was avenge their lives. Appease all the crimes committed against them.

So that's what I've been doing. Ever since I made arrangements for their bodies to be buried together and my house to be demolished. I didn't even say goodbye to Axel or Thorn before I dropped off the grid. Alex had Prince so I knew he'd take good care of him for me. I didn't even stick around long enough to see if Thorn even survived.

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