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Genesis's POV

"Hey!" Crystal echoes in my ear. "How's my best friend doing in this fine morning?" She asks in glee as she wraps and arm around my shoulders.

"I hate you." I grumble lowly.

"Ah I can see you're very cheerful this morning." Crystal laughs.

"I really hate you." I repeat pushing her off me.

"Come on Genesis it's not that bad. It'll be there when school finishes." Sapphire said from my other side and I could already tell she had a smirk plastered on her face.

"I hate you more than I hate all the criminals I kill." I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"Now Gen there's no need to be grumpy. Your book's not going anywhere."

When we reach the lockers, I continue to glare at my two so called best friends as they get their books for their next lesson.

Your probably confused about why I hate them, well let me explain. The reason I'm in a bad mood is because I was stabbed on Friday night, I couldn't really do much as I waited for my wound to heal. I couldn't fight, I couldn't kill but what I could do was read. So all I did all weekend was my three favorite things: sleep, eat and read.

I managed to finish the divergent series and I reread a fault in our stars. So as you can tell I had a pretty amazing weekend.

And then Monday had to show is ugly head. Considering the fact that I got stabbed only a couple of days ago you'd think my friends would let me take the day off.

Yeah well you thought wrong.

They woke me up at six with a bucket of freezing cold water. So like any normal person I was naturally pissed.

When I was up and dressed, we still had some time to kill so I started reading the final book in the throne of glass series which is the best fantasy series of all time, in my personal opinion.

Anyway I was reading as you do and then before I knew it it was time to go to school , so me being unable to put the book down, I read it in the car.

However when we arrived at the school I was still submerged in a really amazing part in the book and because my best friends didn't want to be late they tricked me into giving them my book and then getting out of the car. Sapphire then proceeded to lock my book in her car so I couldn't read anymore of it.

Most of you guys are readers so you know the struggle when someone interrupts you when your already absorbed in the world the story is set in. Yeah well I'm feeling that now except 10x worse because it wasn't just any book it was a book written by one of my favorite authors.

Snapping me back into reality, Sapphire waves her hand in front of my face.

"What?" I snap. She points behind me and I spin around to find the three people I desperately wanted to see this morning.

Can you guess what that was? Hint: Sarcasm.

Before they had a chance to say anything, I open my locker and take my books out before slamming it shut. "I strongly dislike you, I hate you and I really really hate you." I declare, pointing to each of the boys starting with Jake and ending in Thorn. I then turned back around to scowl at Sapphire and Crystal. "And you two can go die in a dark hole somewhere at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean preferably where you're eaten by sharks." I pout, sitting in the floor against the lockers with my legs pulled to my chest.

After a few minutes Jake says, "Is it her time of month?"

"I'm starting to think so myself. Maybe we should give her a few more minutes to make sure we keep our heads." Crystal replies deadly serious. To be honest I am about two more seconds away from decapitating my friends.

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