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Thorn's POV

Today was supposed to be easy. It was supposed to go as any other day would. Mason, Jake and I wouldn't talk to anyone but each other and everyone would stay out of our way for their own good.

Most people know I'm the gang leader of the strongest gang in the country  but nobody has had the courage to come right out up and ask me. To be honest if someone did do that I'd give them a pat on the back and a straight answer for having the guts to be within a meter of us.

The day started out normally, I got up at around six, had a shower and got dressed into a white t-shirt, jeans and my leather jacket. I then went to wake my little brother but not surprisingly he was already up and drawing.

"Hey Alex, you ready for school?" I ask as he looks up from his drawing. He nods.

Alex stands up and takes the clothes I had grabbed for him from his dresser. Alex doesn't talk too much, he's not mute he just doesn't like talking all that much. I've never figured out why and every time I ask he just says there's no need for talking.

My little brother may be only 6 but he has the mind of an adult. Once he's dressed he grabs his backpack and stares up at me a small smile on his face. Alex is wearing blue jeans and converse. As well as a red and white t-shirt, he wears a little beanie that makes him look cute.

Smiling I pick up my brother and he laughs when I tickle his sides. "What do you want for breakfast little-man?" I ask as I walk down the stairs still tickling him. He continuously slaps me on the back and laughs quietly.

"T-T-Thorn stop! Please." He begs. I place him on a stool at the kitchen counter and pull his beanie down so it covers half his face. He glares at me and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Sometimes you make me wonder who the six-year-old is." He mutters. I chuckle as I put some bacon on the stove and bread in the toaster. When I put a plate full of food in front of him, he grabs a piece of bacon off the plate and doesn't look up from his drawing.

Swallowing my food I step closer to see what he's drawing. Alex loves drawing and has a real talent for it. If he hasn't got his headphones on he has a pencil in his hand.

Just as I lean over Alex flips the paper over so I can't see it. I pout making him laugh. "Why can't I see?" I moan.

"Because it's not done." He states before continuing eating his breakfast.

I hear my front door swing open and smile when I see my two best friends waltz in arguing probably about something pointless.

"Thorn tell Jake that Mexico is NOT in Spain."

See pointless.

Mason sits down next to Alex. He nudges him with his elbow and Alex gives a little wave before finishing his breakfast.

"Mexico is not in Spain." I state before eating the rest of my food. I put the plate in the dishwasher and check my phone for messages.

"But why do they speak Spanish then and have bull fighting and do all the normal Spanish stuff." Jake protests making me roll my eyes.

"We speak English but that doesn't make us English." Mason chimes trying to steal a piece of bacon from Alex where he just smacks his hand away. "Come on dude share." He tells him. Alex laughs before downing the rest of his food and handing me the plate. I chuckle and take it from him.

"Whatever." Jake says dropping the useless topic. Jake sits on Alex's other side and wraps one arm around my brother's shoulders. "So, Alex did you know-" All three of us groan because every day sometimes more than once Jake tells us these useless facts about random things that we don't need to know.

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