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Thorn's POV

From my position on the roof of the building across the road, I could see clearly as the two figures talked, occasionally glancing at the men within the small grocery store.

It was close to two in the morning and Mason had received a tip a couple hours earlier that some dealers were dealing on my territory without my permission so of course, here I was to sort it out.

My second and third flanked me as I watched the scene unfold below. First, a wicked smile from the dark-haired beauty, then the gunshot, then the small conversation before a knife of some sort was throw and found a nice new home directly in one of the guys' jugular. It was astounding accuracy but it didn't surprise me at all. Not after seeing on multiple occasions what the Scarlett Assassin was capable of.

It was also another reason why I decided to make the journey down here tonight to see if she would show. After all the girl -no, women - had a tendency to show up in my business and pretty much kill the people I wanted alive.

I wanted to know who she was because perhaps if I knew her identity I could manipulate her into doing my bidding but I knew that she would never let that happen. The Scarlett Assassin was her own women and would never allow herself to be controlled or tamed. I would have happily leave her too it too, if she didn't keep killing my men or shoving her nose in places it did not belong.

"Damn she has skill," Jake muttered from beside me, watching the scene unfold too. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked down and that look alone told me how desperate he was to join in.

I shifted my stare back to the store and watched as the assassins partner strolled up beside her. There wasn't much I could gather about him. I assumed it was the same man that was with her at the tracks, he did have the same height, build and connection to the assassin. Especially as she grinned and smiled at him in a way that declared they were similar in so many fucked up ways.

The women looked as spectacular as usual. She'd ditched the wig and simply tied up her silky raven hair. Wearing tight faded skinny jeans, a black tank that hugged her body and a leather jacket that I was pretty certain I had seen before. Her knee high boots were heeled slightly giving her a taller build, she was probably at least six foot now. There was also an ornate black mask covering her most distinguishable features.

There was something familiar about her but I couldn't pinpoint it.

Deciding that I wanted a better view I spun on my heel and headed towards the door. My second and third followed me silently until we reached the grocery store itself. Nobody noticed we were there so I simply leaned my back against the red Saleen S7 which I once again assumed belonged to the pair currently talking as if they weren't about to commit mass murder. 

I took deep delight in watching Miss Assassin and her friend take these men down. There a was no stopping her, I had realized so I decided to just watch.

I had missed what had been said a few seconds before but apparently, it wasn't good as the five remaining men all pulled out their guns and aimed them at the man and women.

"Why is it always violence? They never chose to just talk it out." The assassin sighs, having the nerve to turn her back on the men who had an easy chance to kill her. Not even I had that much confidence and that was saying something.

The women pulled out a second gun from her boot and clicked the safety off. "I guess we'll have to do this hard way." She says in a way that makes it seem as though it was anything but a burden.

"You say that if you don't enjoy the hard way." The man in the hood mutters, not appearing to be bothered by the men with guns either.

"I'd enjoy it more if it was actually hard. Something tells me this is going to be anything but."

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