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Genesis's POV

"What was that about?" Crystal asks once we're a safe enough distance away.

"They were going to asks questions and with my lame excuses today I don't know what to tell them." I sigh looping my arm with Crystal and Saph's. "So anyway, girls because you love me..." they both groan and my smile drops.

"What do you want Gen? And it better not be climbing through another rusty air shaft." Sapphire whines. I laugh at the memory.

It was a couple years ago, and I had a job to do but I needed someone to cut the power further in the building. Since I was busy dealing with the criminal I asked Saph to do it. She agreed, but unfortunately, all the doors in the building were locked, and she couldn't break them down, so Saph had to resort to climbing through a rusty air vent.

Sapphire pinches my arm and I wince. "Hey that hurt."

Saph and Crystal giggle and I glare at them. "Oh, so you can take a bullet without shedding a tear but once someone pinches you, you whine. Maybe I should start telling all the criminals that you kill." Sapphire smirks.

I pout. "Okay Gen what do you want?"

"I need you to take care of Prince. Please." I smile.

"And who's Prince?"

"He's my dog." I continue walking, thinking about the big fluffy dog I have at home. I was going to get someone to look after him today but when I woke up this morning Prince had taken all of my blankets and was fast asleep. Trust me when I said I tried to wake him, but it seems that dog won't wake up unless he wants to. I just hope he's okay when I get back from school.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I stop walking when I don't see Sapphire or Crystal next to me. I spin around and see them both further up the hallway, staring at me. "Guys, what's wrong?"

"You have a dog?!" the simultaneously yell. I walk back to them and nod slowly.

"Yeah, I got him yesterday. Well, I should say I stole him. Prince was yesterday's target's dog. But when I found him he was all dirty and had a couple broken bones. It seems the target was abusing Prince as well as murdering people."

"Okay," Crystal says dragging the word out.

"So, will you look after him tonight, Pretty please. He's adorable and cute and fluffy." I plead with them, batting my eyelashes. The both seem unsure at first, before smiling and nodding. I hug them both and they act surprised because I never really hug anyone but they gratefully return it. "Thank you so much."

"Anything for you Gen." I give them a sweet smile before walking to math.


"Scarlett!" I spin around and immediately get knocked over by a wall. That wasn't there a couple seconds ago. I put my hands out to stop me face planting the floor, but two strong arms wrap around me.

I look up into the stormy grey eyes of Thorn. He's smiling softly at me. I took the time to just appreciate how beautiful his eyes really were.

The first time I saw them I labeled them grey but now If I was feeling particularly poetic, I could call them "silver." Neither word did them justice. They were so solid, so bright, the exact lustrous color of a polished shard of metal. If you looked closer, like I was just now, you'd see the swirls of glittering onyx black and tinges of blue at the edges. They weren't monochrome or dead. That had simply been my terrible first judgment. They were truly magnificent.

I lifted my hand and placed it on his cheek. He stiffened but soon relaxed and leaned into my palm slightly. "Your eyes are beautiful." I breathed, and his eyebrows raised slightly.

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