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Genesis's POV >>>>>>>(Are these even really necessary anymore?)

"Okay run me through this one more time. You, Genesis Carino, are the infamous Scarlett assassin, whom of which I have been hunting for as long as I can remember. Your best friend is your partner of sorts and the man that could not only rip out my spinal cord in a few maneuvers but also heal me as well. The twins are pretty much normal but know that you like to spend your nights causing mass destruction to peoples lives."

I leaned back against the couch and nodded. "Yeah, that's pretty much it."

Thorn paced back and forth in the living room. He had practically worn a hole in the earth's crust at this point. He hadn't stopped moving for about an hour.

Jake looked to be just as flabbergasted as his friend although he wasn't moving, just stood to stare out the window watching as the members of his gang tied things up and stood for more security, a blank look across his face. It was so unlike him that even I was slightly concerned and that was saying something.

Mason already having this knowledge wasn't bothered at all, in fact, he looked more relaxed than any of us which was even more concerning. I mean this was Mason, Mister stoic himself. Since when is he ever relaxed?

The two guys had gotten here shortly after we had detained the two assassins. Apparently when there are gunshots fired in the gang leaders home its procedure to call his second and third. Not someone who could actually do something to help. No that would be way too smart for them.

Fortunately, Alex wasn't here to see his brother go slowly insane. Soon after both attempted assassins had been incapacitated I called Sapphire and Crystal to come to pick him and Prince up. They needed to be somewhere safe and my house was the safest place for them all now. The twins didn't exactly seem happy to be leaving me with three pissed of males but they knew I could handle myself.

Thorn was muttering rapidly to himself now and I was starting to consider maybe duck tape and a body bag was the best place for him. Just as I was about to act on that, Axel burst into the room.

"Genesis!" I jumped up in shock which I don't know why considering I sent him a text to get his ass here.

He strode over to me and placed his warm hands on my cheeks, his eyes searching my face for any points of harm. He frowned at the minor scratch on my cheek but other than that he seemed to be appeased.

When Axel sees me to be in a healthy condition his panic appears to subside. "I do know that being almost killed is part of the job description but twice in a week that's a little extreme even or you."

"I just have one of those faces you know?"

"A face that people want to shoot? Oh, I'm well aware."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

Axel sighed and looked around at the damage in the room still not acknowledging the three other guys who were watching him with a mixture of anger and confusion. "I leave you alone for five minutes..."

Rolling my eyes, I fold my arms across my chest. "Did you bring the stuff?"

"Of course this isn't my first rodeo, sweetheart." He chuckled, holding up the messenger bag on his shoulder.

"I'm going to ignore that you said that entire sentence."

Axel grinned at me before moving to the two people who were unconscious and probably slowly dying in the corner of the room.  "Woah, woah, woah. No one's doing anything until I get a better explanation!" Thorn yells, causing Axel and I to halt in our spots.

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