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They stood there, eyes fiercely focused on their target, fingers only a few centimeters away from the trigger, breathing and chest moving in sink, eyes narrowing even more dangerously with their pupil almost turning into slits.

Waiting, they cocked their guns and without another second, started firing.

Bullets after bullets, they didn't stopped until they ran out of ammo.

Reaching out from their pockets, they reloaded their guns and fired again.

Not wasting another more second, they leveled up and soon are facing another batch of villains.

"You shouldn't have suggested on doing this Chul, you're only going to loose!"

"Says the one who dragged me here."

And so, they continued on with their battle, firing while both held loosely on their guns.

Still firing rapidly, they reached for something in their pockets and gained ammunition again.

Having their guns reloaded, they fired once more.

This continued on for the next eight minutes, none of them willing to give up as they shoot the bad guys perfectly in the head which is the most lethal point but when they ran out of ammo again and reached for their pockets, they froze and stole a glance at each other.

"Do you still have some tokens?"

"Actually, I was about to ask you that too."

Hesitatingly, both turn back to the screen where they watch their characters got devoured by the enemies.

Still watching, Oh Yeon-Joo winced as the second player got taken down, followed by the first player.

Shaking her head, she placed back the blue gun to it's slot and looked over her shoulder.

There, she saw Chul, shaking his head fondly as he also put the red gun back.

"Well." He said, turning to look at her with a smile. "Looks like we already know who won."

She rolled her eyes at him as she shook her head again.

"Not just because my character is the first one who got taken down doesn't mean you won." She told him, suppressing the urge to roll her eyes once more. "I'm way ahead in the scoreboard."

He chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head.

"You're only up by one point." He told her, not even bothering to hide the playful smirk that is forming on his face. "I don't think that's an achievement. I only went easy on you."

She scoffed.


He chuckled again.

"Still." He said. "Its only a point."

She just shook her head.

"I still won though." She said. "And we're only in the arcade, just imagine how much you'll loose once we're in a real shooting arena."

He chuckled once more.

"Exactly Ms. Oh." He said, a small hint of mischief glinting in his eyes. "Think how much you'll loose. Mind you, I'm more skilled when it comes to the real thing than you. Maybe it's just luck that you're a pro when it comes to video games. Something to do with your teenage rebellion perhaps?"

"Mr. Kang." She said, eager to deflate his ego. "Being a gamer doesn't count as rebellion. And besides, this game is pretty much close to the real thing. I don't see much difference besides the fact that we're holding on a pair of electronic plastic guns instead of metal and no real blood is running down on the people we shoot."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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