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Oh Sung-Moo, Oh Yeon-Joo's father and the creator of the most famous webtoon: W, came walking back to his studio.

He's so dreadfully tired as if he hadn't slept for days (even though in reality, he's been only gone for a day).

He enters the main room and is greeted by a sight of his tired and stressed assistants who immediately brightens-up when they saw him.

"Mr. Oh!" They all cried in glee.

The three cannot be happy enough when they saw their boss.

Though, Oh Sung-Moo merely spared them a glance and entirely ignored them as he made his way to his office and closed the door shut.

The three exchanged glances.

"What's that all about?"

The next thing they know is that Sung-Moo had dismissed his other two assistants and had made Soo Bong stay in the studio.

The other two were quite devastated and cried at him, asking what they did wrong, but he just told them to go, saying that he doesn't need them.

Of course, seeing that they can't change his mind, the two packed up and left, leaving him and Soo Bong alone in the studio.

Soo Bong however, was confused and puzzled by his boss's sudden decision, but chose the better of it and shut his mouth, seeing that his master isn't in the mood for any talks.

So, just like a good puppy, he followed Sung-Moo around and is quite surprised when he suddenly asked him a question.

"Where's Yeon-Joo?" Asked Sung-Moo.

Soo Bong pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.

"She's been here yesterday." He told him. "She came to see you but you're not here. She's quite worried for where you've been, but immediately left right after she read the latest episode, saying that there's nothing to worry about you since it's quite obvious that you're safe and you've managed to update W in time."

Soo Bong then let out a small laugh.

"Though, she sound quite strange when she called me earlier, talking about none sense about seeing Kang Chul in real life and saying that W is real."

Oh Sung-Moo tensed in his seat and his tired look immediately got replaced by an alarmed and sharp one.

"Where's Yeon-Joo?" He asked again.

"She's in the hospital right now in her office, she's on duty."

Sung-Moo bit his lower lip before moving and turning on his computer, looking for the latest update.

He stopped when he saw it and his eyes see red.

Not her too.

Soo Bong watched quietly as his master's mood changed.

"What is the easiest poison that can be obtain from a hospital?" Oh Sung-Moo suddenly asked, catching him off-guard.

Soo Bong stammered with his words.

"uh- um- I don't know..."

Sung-Moo chewed his lower lip.

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