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Kang Chul frowned.


But before Yeon-Joo can even answer, the man made a move and grabbed something from his coat pocket.

Before she can even comprehend what it is, the glisten of something black and shiny made her instinctively jump out of the way down to the floor as the man fired, causing her to let go of the phone.

The sound of gunshot was heard and Kang Chul sat up straight on his chair inside his office, alarmed.

"Yeon-Joo, what's going on in there?" He asked, but he received no reply.

Yeon-Joo lifted up her head, only to see the gun directly aimed at her.

Groaning, she immediately rolled out of the way to the other side of the room as he released the second bullet.

Upon hearing it, Kang Chul jumped up to his feet and grabbed his coat before walking out to the living room where his assistant is currently occupied with her work.

Yoon So-Hee looked up from her laptop and raised an eyebrow as she saw him.

"Kang Chul, where are you going?" She asked as he hurried to the exit.

But he didn't answered her and instead, merely glanced at Do-Yoon who is passing by with a cup of scalding tea and told him that they're going to leave.

"Where are we going?" His bodyguard asked confusedly as he handed back the saucer to a passing by staff and followed after him to the elevator.

"Someone broke into Ms. Oh's house." He answered shortly as he pressed one of the elevator buttons.

So-Hee (who followed after them) gaped at him.

"You're going where?!" She yelled. "Chul, WAIT!-"

But he didn't get to hear the rest of her words as the doors slid close and the cable descended.

However, Yeon-Joo painfully get up to her feet and dodged yet another bullet sent by the intruder.

With senses sharp and alert, she sent a swift kick into the man's outstretched hand, causing him to let go of the gun before he can even shoot again.

Now disarmed, she kicked the gun further out of the man's reach and grabbed him by the collar.

Forcing him up, she drew back her fist and punched him right in the face, leaving him dazed.

Pushing him against a wall, she shook him.

"Who sent you?!" She shouted, almost choking him with her hold.

The man seems to snap out and grabbed her by the neck and pushed her away.

Now holding tightly into each other's throat, Yeon-Joo struggled out of his hold and kicked him again.

Now free from each other's grip, they both charged at each other and a fist-fight ensues.

The other one blocks while the other one attacks.

Though, the man managed to throw her over her bed and made a run outside her bedroom while Yeon-Joo hurriedly get up from the cushions (right after untangling herself out of the sheets in a haste) and chased after him.

Arriving in the main room, she madly looked around for him as she turned her head to every spot.

Unknown to her, the intruder slowly crept up behind her, holding a long black, thick cable that he pulled from somewhere in the kitchen and attacked her from behind by putting it around her neck and pulled on it.

W Two Worlds (rewrite) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat