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What Hong Gyung-Suk and the rest of the team (minus Officer Choi who is smart enough to sense that there's something wrong with the scenario) is embarrassing, and Oh Yeon-Joo knows it as she made her way towards the still complaining businessman.

Hesitating and clearing her throat, she called for the man's attention.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Oh?" She said, awkwardly standing there behind him.

Still furious, the man turned to her.

"What?!" He snarled.

She's totally taken back.

Blinking, she cleared her throat again before plastering a smile on her face.

"Em, I'm sorry for the inconvenience that my team had caused you." She told him, indicating the men who are sitting on a bench on the side.

Thank goodness that they aren't tipsy yet!

"They have just misunderstood where the venue of our party is." She continued and when he glared, she added quickly: "But I'm taking full responsibility for it, don't worry. I'm truly am very sorry."

She then bowed her head as she apologized.

The man scoffed.

"So you're their team leader." He said. "No wonder why they made a mistake. This only proves a fact that women are never good when it comes to planning. You should be ashamed."

Yeon-Joo's whole body went rigid and she lifted her head back with a now different look on her face.

Her eyes pierced the man.

"Excuse me?" She said coldly. "But what did you just said?"

The officer on the desk looked up, alarmed to where it is going.

"Uh, Mr. Oh, Ms. Oh." He said, chuckling nervously. "I think there's no need for any fights-"

But he just got ignored.

"Didn't you hear me?" The man snapped. "I said you should be ashamed."

And with a sneer, he added.

"Women, knowing nothing better to do than to say sorry." He muttered under his breath.

And he really have the nerve to repeat it.

Keeping herself calm, she gritted her teeth before opening her mouth once more.

"Mr. Oh." She said. "I know that what me and my team did was wrong, and I also know how important your party is tonight but I believe that there's no need for insults."

"Oh, insulted are you?" He said. "Well that sound's right. You should be, how else can you learn? If I won't insult you now then who knows if how many parties in the future will crash because of you and your team."

"Mr. Oh, just because of what you said, you seem to prove how aristocratic and big-headed businessmen like you are so naive and narcissistic to people, not to mention how men like you are so inconsiderate, childish and stupid, thinking that they're better than anyone else because they're brought up as stuck-up rich snobs when in reality they're not!" She said in all one go until her face turned red.

And she just insulted him in one sentence.

The man's face turned an ugly shade of putrid purple as he pointed a trembling finger at her.

"Why you crazy little b-"

"Pardon me Mr. Oh." The man behind Oh Yeon-Joo said, calmly (and carefully as he could master as to not set the fuming woman off, seeming to experience this side of hers before) pushing her behind him and facing the man himself. "But I believe there's no need for any curses right now. I have once saw this side of hers before and highly regret it, I just want to protect you from being a victim of humiliation."

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