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A bloodied hand appeared and suddenly reached out from the computer screen.

Doctor Oh Yeon-Joo, a surgeon and a daughter of a famous webtoon artist, woke up with the sound of her friend's (and hospital colleague) phone ringing.

She groaned as she tried to muffle the sound.

"Suk-Bum." She said sleepily as she moved into a more comfortable position in her bed. "Answer your phone."

Suk-Bum, who is sleeping at the top bunk, just groaned and went back to his sleep.

Yeon-Joo groaned again.

"Suk-Bum." She repeated. "Don't make me stand here and strangle you."

Still, another groan answered her and the phone kept on ringing.

Yeon-Joo let out an annoyed huff as she pushed her pillow harder against her ears to block the sound.

"Suk-Bum! Answer it!" She yelled this time.

"It's not important." Answered a sleepy Suk-Bum as he cuddled his pillow.

As the phone kept on ringing, Yeon-Joo is getting annoyed than ever.

She gripped hard on her bed sheets as she tried to contain herself from exploding.

Then it stopped.

Yeon-Joo let out a sigh of relief, finally she can sleep in peace... That is until the phone start ringing again.

Letting out a frustrated huff, she threw away her covers and stomped over the table where Suk-Bum's phone is currently ringing.

Picking it up, she looked at the caller I.D , ready to curse whoever it is, only to see that it's their professor, Park Min-Joo.

Smirking, she turned to the sleeping Suk-Bum with a bit of mischief glint in her eyes.

"Crazy Dog is calling you." She said casually.

Suk-Bum immediately bolted up from his bed, suddenly fully awake.

He grabbed his phone from her and Yeon-Joo watched as he fearfully answered it.


Yeon-Joo laughed as she watched him cower at his phone before lying back in her bed.

"And that is what you get for disturbing me." She said, enjoying the look of fear in his face as she turn back to her sleep.

Suk-Bum's face then relaxed.

"Oh, she's here, shall I send her to you?" He asked through his phone then nodded before hanging up.

He let out a sigh of relief before climbing back on his bed.

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