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The eyes of the children in front them all widened with awe and wonder as they turned their heads towards the woman who's giving Kang Chul a look for giving her all of the little one's attention again.

"Really? Is it true unnie?" A little girl asked. "You know a good story?"

Oh Yeon-Joo blinked before smiling and nodding her head.

"Yes." She replied. "I do know a lot of good stories."

One of the children sitting at the middle groaned.

"It's going to be another boring story." He pouted. "We all heard those stories about fairytales. They all have the same happy endings and some boring fairies."

Yeon-Joo turned her head towards the little boy and laughed.

"Why? Don't you like those stories?" She asked.

The boy harrumphed and crossed his arms, making Yeon-Joo almost cooed at the little boy's cuteness.

"Those fairytales always tells about a story of a princess waiting for her prince." He said. "They all have everything in common. Just like Snow White and the Sleeping Beauty, they both got poisoned and waited for their prince to give them their true love's kiss so they can wake up and break away from the curse. While the others have fairies and fairy godmothers to guide them towards their happy ending."

The boy then sighed.

"And they all seem to have the same villains." He complained. "They are always witches, if not evil sorcerers or jealous stepmothers and siblings."

Yeon-Joo laughed at the boy before asking the him to stand up.

The little boy obeyed and stood up when she smiled and gestured for him to step forward.

When the boy did, she then pulled him to her lap.

She smiled.

"So you don't like those kind of stories then." She said before ruffling his hair. "Well then, let's make a story."

A little girl raised a brow.

"Make a story?" She asked. "How?"

Yeon-Joo smiled down at her.

"We can make a different story." She said. "Does anyone of you know the story of a poor maiden and the glass slipper?"

The boy in her lap frowned.

"Cinderella." He muttered. "We all know that story."

She nodded.

"Yes." She said. "It is the story of Cinderella."

"But, how is that a different story unnie?" Another little girl asked confusedly. "We all know that story. Cinderella became an orphan when her father died and lived with her evil stepmother and ugly sisters, then there's a ball where her fairy godmother helped her and then she met the Prince. They danced the night away and at midnight, Cinderella ran away because she's loosing the magic that her fairy godmother gave her."

The other little girl sitting beside her nodded her head.

"Yes." She said. "Then she ran away and her glass slipper fell. Then the prince got it then went after her. After a few conflicts, the prince found her and the glass slipper fits then later, they got married and lived happily ever after."

"So boring." The little one in her lap groaned. "It doesn't have enough adventure. It would be more fun if it had aliens in it."

"Aliens doesn't exit that time idiot." The little girl said. "Those are ancient times."

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