Sitting on the couch waiting for Nelle to come out the bathroom. All she could do was stand there looking at me.

"What the Fuck you doing here Shawn?"

"Well I'm here to see if my future wife's  okay haven't heard from you in four days." 

 "I'm fine as you can see...... how did you find me? " 

"Dose that really matter.... come on get yho shit lets go" I yelled walking towards her before she got in my face.

"I'm not going no where until I'm fucking ready. "

"The Fuck is your problem Nelle "

"You're my problem Shawn....You an all your bullshit. "

"The FUCK is you talking about Nelle? "

"YOU SHAWN You an all yo drama..... now you expect me to be okay with you having a motherfucking baby by some random low life as hoe!!

"Chill Nelle she ain't got shit to do with us.... you act like I'm bring all hell in yo life damn. "

"Ohh you don't want me to call yo babymomma a HOE!!!!  Newsflash she's a fucking HOE that done been through all y'all. I'm sick of this shit Fuck You an everything that comes with you. Get the fuck out before I slap yo ass."

"Well tell me how you really feel *said sarcastically* ..... All I gotta say is you not gone disrespect her she not gone disrespect you that's the mother of my child man... Act stupid an slap me if you too motherfucker."

"So now you defending the little HOE!!!  HUH???

Shawn remain quiet trying to choose his words carefully.

"Answer me motherfucker!! " So you not gone say shit" Nelle yelled with tears, walking towards Shawn he came faced with a hard smack to the face.

"What the fuck I tell you about that tough Tony shit! " Shawn yelled smacking Nelle to the hotel floor. "You gone fucking learn to stop putting yo hands on me"

  ( Nelle layed there in total shock Shawn hasn't hit her since they were teenagers. She felt betrayed an hurt by the one she loved most. Shawn walked towards Nelle to see if she was okay only to catch a heel to the face. )

"Bastard you fucking bastard you gone fucking hit it again an I promise ima hit yo ass with something harder then a shoe." Nelle yelled throwing glass.

"Chill the fuck out " Shawn screamed while pining Nelle to the wall.

  (  Nelle stayed quiet looking at Shawn then spitting in his face. [Yes Arnelle is real DISRESPECTFUL ]   After Nelle spit in Shawn face they got to fighting. They didn't stop until hotel security came and broke up the fight. When the fight was over both of them had a busted lip an noise with a few bruises. The hotel security called the police. )

Officer:  So will anyone care to share what happen here?

Shawn: My fiance an I had a little disagreement that got outta hand that's all.

Officer: Ms White is this true?

Arnelle: Yeah it's true we had an argument that got outta hand Sir.

Officer:  Well next question would have to be... Will either one of you be pressing charges?

Shawn:  No we wouldn't it wasn't anything serious.... no need to get the law involve.

Officer: Glad to hear but do to the agreement we have with the owner of this hotel... Someone will have to come down to the station with us. I will give you all a moment to discuss this.

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