"Having fun?" i say as i tried to start up a conversation with him.

"Uh..yeah" he says scratching his head "Hey, listen, It's been awhile since you and Josh broke up"

"And it's also been awhile since you and i talked" i added as i raise one eyebrow at him.

He smiles sheepishly "I suck at making conversations, you know!" he exclaims.

I cross my hand over my chest "Really? The Seth i know doesn't suck at anything"

"Whatever" he says as he forcefully rolled his eyes. I laugh at him.

"What's really up Seth" i ask him.

He scratched his head again. He only scratches his head when he's nervous at something "I just don't know. I really wanted to talk to you but i can't" he says.

"Why can't you?" I say "Why just now?" Many unanswered questions were filing up in my head.

"Because i was afraid!" he exclaims "Afraid that my friends would know that i talked to you"

"Why?" I say a little bit hurt "I'm your friend Seth. Why would you be afraid?"

"Because if i talk to you, i would be out of the group" he explains. Out of the group?

"What do you mean?"

"They don't like you Venice "he starts to say "Me and Josh were the only ones who kept quiet about that. Eversince you guys broke up, they all agreed to ruin your life. Except for me and Josh"

"Ruin my life?" i say "Do they have a problem with me?"

"Well, yeah" he say "They pretty much think that you've hurted Josh like a tons of bricks"

"I hurted him?" I exclaim "Fuck no! He hurted me!" I pointed towards my broken heart. Well not that broken anymore. I've slowly picked up all the pieces after that.

"Seth?" a voice suddenly says behind my back.

"Austin, hey" Seth waved a 'hello' at him.

I turned my head around to see Austin Carter with a drink on his hand. Where's Summer? Maybe with his twin brother.

"Um, hey Venice" Austin akwardly says as he gave me a small yet akward smile. Does he hate me or? Maybe he's also one of Josh's friends who wants to 'ruin my life'. Well, if they want to ruin my life, Goodluck with that.

"Venice!" I heard Jill exclaim happily as she wave her hand over for me to come.

"Um, Excuse me" I akwardly say at the two boys and walk towards Jill and her group of friends.

I look over at Jill, she was dressed up as Sleeping Beauty while her friends were dressed up like fairies "Hey Jill" i greeted her with a smile.

"Hey!" she happily cheers "Where's Andy?"

"Probably getting ready" i say and shrug my shoulders.

"Well! I have some news!" Jill happily says. Of course. She always have some news.

Before she could even start, the lights suddenly goes off and the music started to get lower and lower.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, To Andy Garret's 18th birthday party!" A voice started to say from the micrphone and all of us cheered happily.

"Together with cheers and applauses let us all welcome Andy and her escort Mr. Kale Garret"

All of us cheered and applauded as a light shone above Andy and her big brother Kale. His brother is so fucking hot. Andy looks so beautiful on her dress as a smile crept on her lips.

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