Hands grip my waist to steady me.

"Easy there, Shinsung. What's your next class?" A rough voice says and I look up to see Lisa.

I smile up at her sheepishly then start to whine. "Sorry, Lili. That class was just so boring. I couldn't wait to just leave."

The girls behind her chuckle at my cuteness. "So, what's your next class?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Music." I say nonchalantly.

"That's where we're headed, too. Follow along, darling." Jisoo cooes.

They start walking and I just follow them until we reach the class. The Professor walks in and tells us that we will be doing note recognition today. She compels us to sit in a circle and I sit between Jisoo and Rośe this time with Nini and Lili on either side of them.

The professor lines up different wine glasses of different sizes on the table in front of us. She takes a glass rod and hits the first one then proceeds to ask us which note it is.

I raise my hand immediately. She gestures for me to answer.

"B flat." I say confidently.

She hits the next one and I answer immediately. "C sharp."

She continues hitting and I continue answering.

"A minor."



"B minor,"

She hits the last one.


She clasps her hands behind her back and smile at me, impressed and then turns to the rest of the class and tells them that what I have is something called perfect pitch.

I look around and see everyone looking at me in awe. I ignore those gazes though no matter how much I want to relish in them, because mom always taught me to be humble. Hence, I keep my stare blank.

We continue discussing the concept of aural recall until the bell rings, signalling that it's time for lunch.

Me and the girls walk towards the cafeteria and as we stand in front of the doors, about to enter, a question pops into my head.

"Are you sure it's okay for others to see me with you, guys?"

I know I said before that I wouldn't question their motives any longer but this is just a precautionary measure.

Jennie frowns at me. "Didn't my speech teach you anything?"

I quickly defend myself, not wanting her to think that I've simply wasted her efforts. "It did! But that's how you think, Nini. People would think differently. If they see you with a Charity like me, they might even start hating you. I don't want you guys to be in trouble with the others because of me."

Jisoo tuts at me. "Shinsung, we want you to be our friend. We choose to be your friend. Anyone who would hold that against us can go screw themselves because we want you by our side and no one has the right to tell us otherwise." As soon as she finishes her speech, the maknaes nod in agreement and drag me towards the cafeteria, not giving me much of a chance to protest.

Not that I was going to.

We get our food and I follow the girls towards their table right in the middle of the cafeteria. Everyone is staring at us at this point, probably wondering why their proclaimed goddesses have decided to sit with a pleb like me.

I look down at my food and continue eating, trying to ignore the stares.

Rośe notices this and stands up. "Don't you people have anything better to do!? If I catch one more stare sent our way, I will gauge your eyes out!" She announces fearlessly, orbs shining with the silent threat.

The atmosphere turns into a fearful one and everyone immediately turns away, bowing their heads with respect.

Rośe nods, satisfied with the outcome and sits down. I stare at her warily. "You didn't have to do that, Rośe." I state genuinely.

"If she hadn't done that, those fumbling idiots would still be staring at us, Shinsung. Besides, the stares were making us uncomfortable as well." Lisa declares and everyone at our table agrees with her.

"Thank you, Unnie." I say to Rośe.

She just smiles back in return and says, "Dig in."

And dig in we do.

*this timeskip is brought to you by Lili's aggravation towards trampolines*

I am now at my locker, stomach satisfied and ready for my next class. The girls rushed to their respective classes after giving me directions since I told them that they didn't need to accompany me to every class.

Of course I didn't plan on attending any of my classes any further. I'm planning to just loiter around or maybe even just leave. But then my thoughts linger back to the girls and I decide to stay behind.

I look through my bag, bored and realize that my notebook is missing. Deciding that I probably left it at my music class, I groan and make my way back towards the empty class to retrieve the damn thing.

As soon as I open the door, I feel an overwhelming urge to puke at the sight in front of me.

Moans fill the room as a couple continues to make out sloppily.

They haven't noticed me yet so I decide to make my way through the classroom quietly, get the book and rush right out.

But of course, fate isn't on my side because as I'm about to reach the last step, I accidentally elbow one of the chairs and it scrapes outwards, the noise reverberating throughout the room.

I look towards the couple to see if they heard.

As soon as I do, a pair of alluring eyes meet mine.


Filler chap. It was pretty boring and im not very proud of it, but i promise that there will be more action in the next chap. Maybe we might even meet the next ally (?)

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