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First of all, I know it's been a long time....I missed all of you my readers, hope you missed me as much as I do 😄

I have read all your comments about how excited you all are for the new book so Thank you so much ❤❤ Your postive comments always give me motovation to give you the best book 😍

The new book is being set up to be published soon......but before I publish, I would like to take your opinion in few things about the story.

I will give you some questions about some details in the new book and I will be waiting for your answers.

1) There has been some chracters that I didn't use so much in this book, Which characters would you like me to focus on in the new book?

-The Miz and Maryse
-The Bella Twins & Daniel Bryan

2) Who should be Charlotte's partner?

-Roman Reigns
-Robert Roode

3) Give me some suggestions for (Boys/Girls/Dogs) Names.

4) Who would you like so see make his debut in the new book "Someone who has never showed up in any of my books"

ALSO, If you want to add something else, have a comment on something, want to give your opinion about any other thing, your comments are welcomed and will be taken under consideration ❤

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