Chapter 18 "Demon in Human's Land"

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"In Noam Dar's House"

Noam was celebrating the success of his plan in his house.

There was a knock at the door so Noam was surprised because he wasn't expecting any guests.

Noam opened the door and he was shcoked to find out it was King Finn Balor.

"Good Evening my little cousin....Surprise right?" Finn said and Noam was in deep shock and he couldn't speak.

"Aren't you gonna let me in?" Finn asked.

Noam got out of the way and let Finn in.

"Let me bring you a drink..." Noam said trying to act normally.

"Sit down!" Finn said in a serious look so Noam sat down.

"What are you doing here in the Human's land?" Finn asked.

"As you know, I have just got out of prison so I decided to come here to the Human's land because I didn't want to stay in the Fairy land." Noam said.

"Hmmmm, so Unconvincing." Finn said.

"What do you expect me to he doing here?" Noam said.

"I don't expect things.....I already know why you are here." Finn said so Noam looked confused.

"Prison didn't teach you anything, Dar!! You are still dump and stupid! Did you think I wouldn't know that you are in the Human's land trying to get your revenge from Seth!!" Finn shouted angrily.

"It's not your business, Finn!! I am no longer a prisoner, I am free and I can do whatever I want." Noam said so Finn gave him a smile which made Noam look confused again.

"How brave of you!! But did you forget I am your king!! And you have crossed my rules when you came here to the Human's land with no permission!! And I guess you know what is the punishment to this!" Finn said and a sword appeared out of a nowhere.

"Are you gonna kill me?" Noam said in sarcasm but he was actually scared.

"Yes." Finn said and went nearer to Noam who was now shaking.

Suddenly a bright light appered in the room and two guys appered behind Finn, they hit him hard that Finn lost consciousness.

"I guess Adam sent us in the right time." Said one of the two guys who are Adam Cole's friends, Kyle and Bobby.

"Yeah, Thank you." Noam asked.

"Poor King Finn left the whole kingdom to come kill you, so Adam took advantage of that and now Adam is the king of the fairy land." Kyle said.

"What?!! Adam is now the king of the Fairy's land?" Noam said in shock.

"Yes, sir." Bobby said.

"But he didn't tell me that he would do that!! How dare he!!" Noam said.

"Listen, boy! if you have a problem....King Adam can easily come and deal with you.....and trust me, he wouldn't be kinder to you than Finn." Kyle said in a threatening voice.

"Now excuse us." Bobby said and he and Kyle disappeared.

Noam went down to his knees to check on Finn who was still unconscious.

"What should I do now?" Noam said.

Noam lifted Finn and took him out of the house, he brought a car by his power and he put Finn in the car and rode it to the hospital.

Noam parked the car in front of the hospital and he opened the door and threw Finn out of the car then he drove away.

The doctors in the hospital found Finn in front of the hospital so they took him inside.

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