Chapter 13 "Noam's Plan"

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Tuesday 9:00 AM

"In AJ Styles' House"

Gallows and Anderson have been visiting AJ everyday before they go to work. They went to him as usual.

"Good Morning." Karl said when AJ opened the door for them.

AJ let them in and they sat in the living room.

"How are you doing today?" Luke asked AJ.

"Same as everyday." AJ said.

"You need to change that mood! Do something new, AJ! You haven't left the house for a whole week now!" Karl said.

"That's right, You need to get out of that mood." Luke said.

"You maybe right.....Are you going to work?" AJ asked.

"Yes." Karl said.

"I am coming with you....maybe going back to work will change my mood a little bit." AJ said and he went to change his clothes.

"In The Hospital"

"The Analytical Section"

Seth has just finished a surgery and he went to the analytical section and Samoa Joe was there.

"Good Morning, Seth!" Samoa said.

"Hey, Joe...." Seth said and he took out a box from the shelf. Inside the box, there was a small experiment rat.

"What is that?" Joe asked.

"It's a rat! I brought it last week to test my medicine to make sure it's safe." Seth said.

"And did you try the medicine on the rat?" Joe asked.

"Yes, and it did great! Tonight, The medicine will be tested and by next week, I may finally get my PhD degree." Seth said excitedly.

"Great news, congratulations buddy!" Joe said.

"Thanks." Seth said.

"In the Kids Clinic"

Sasha and Bayley were sitting together having rest.

"Tonight, Seth is officially done with the medicine and with the PhD degree." Sasha said happily.

"Really?" Bayley said.

"Yes! He is gonne give the medicine to the doctors that are gonna test it and next week he will recieve the results." Sasha said.

"Awesome news!! I guess you are so happy." Bayley said.

"Extremely happy! He is gonna be free to spend time with me." Sasha said.

"You have been patient so I am happy for you." Bayley said.

"In The Location"

The director, many camera men and others were there at that location filming part of a new movie starring Micheal "The Miz" and another guy whose name was Mike Kanellis.

That Mike Kanellis was very cocky and always bragging about the award that he had won a year ago for his movie because Miz was one of the nominees for that award.

That Mike Kanellis was very cocky and always bragging about the award that he had won a year ago for his movie because Miz was one of the nominees for that award

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