Chaptet 37 "Run Away"

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"In The Fairy Land"

After slipping off the hill and losing the way, AJ hid in a small cave under the hill waiting for the snow storm to stop.

After nearly half an hour, the storm stopped and the whole land was covered in snow.

AJ slowly got out of the cave, shaking as it was extremely cold.

"I knew something like that would happen to me......." AJ said to himself and started walking slowly through the streets of the fairy land that was nearly empty because of the storm.

While AJ was walking, the people of the fairy land were starting to appear in the streets as AJ walked into the market.

The market was just starting to get crowded.

AJ started to feel so tried of walking and he was also afraid that someone might notice that he is a human so he might get hurt so he decided to walk away from the crowd, he found a quite place behind the market so he sat down trying to feel a little warm and he soon felt asleep.

"In Noam Dar's House"

Finn and Noam were sitting, having some coffee.

"We should go look for AJ." Finn said.

"Not now." Noam said and didn't pay any care.

"Not now?! We can't wait for longer!! He probably is wandering in the streets and if anyone noticed that he is a human, he would probably get hurt." Finn said.

"Let's be clear here, Finn! He probably will get killed but you will get killed too if anyone sees you!! If Adam learnt that you reached here in the fairy land, he will kill you no doubt!" Noam said.

"What do you mean?" Finn said.

"I mean you shouldn't get out of here until we have a plan." Noam said.

Finn started thinking for a while.

"You maybe right." Finn said.

"Finally, you agree with me." Noam said.

"But we still can't leave AJ out there alone!!" Finn said.

"AJ is not really your friend!! And I don't think anything bad would happen." Noam said.

"Stop being so selfish!!" Finn said angrily.

"You stop being so stupid!! Don't you remember he was actually coming to the fairy land alone!! Why are you so worried about him! He will find his way." Noam said.

Finn didn't like the way Noam Dar was thinking so he got up and went to look through the window think what should he do.

"I must find Ronda!! If I found her, I can ask her to look for AJ and ask her to explain to me everything Adam did to become king." Finn said to himself but he had no clue of how he would find her.


"In Dean's Office"

Dean was working in his office when Renee called him.

Renee: I am feeling so dizzy and tired!

Dean: Just relax and don't do anything.....I will not be late today! I will finish everything and come.

Renee: ok, I will wait for you.

Dean ended the call and started working on some papers but he started to feel a strong pain in his back.

Dean tried to pick up his medicine from the desk but th pain was so strong that he couldn't hold it.

Dean started screaming in pain so Tyler and Fandango came into the office quickly.

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