Chapter 34 "Sami's Game"

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AJ went on his appointment to Dr. Natalya and Dr. Natalya noticed a change on AJ's face.

"Before we say anything, you look different today, you don't look depressed as usual but there is some happiness mixed with confusion on your face." Dr. Natalya said.

"You are damn right! I....I kinda recieved good news yesterday and I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about it." AJ said.

"It's about Alexa." Dr. Natalya said with a smile.

"How did you know? Did someone tell you or what?" AJ said in surprise.

"This is your fourth visit to me....I already studied you." Dr. Natalya said.

"Listen, I haven't told you yet about the reason why I broke up with Alexa....well it was because I thought she was the one who killed my son.......but yesterday, I got the evidence....I learnt who really did it and it isn't her!" AJ said excitedly.

"So what are you waiting for?" Dr. Natalya said.

"What do you mean?" AJ asked.

"You know what I mean!! Go apologize to her and marry her." Dr. Natalya said.

There was a pause as AJ's face turned to be sad.

"But.....she is out of town.....she went back to her homeland which is so far away from here........Do you think it's worthy to take that risk and go look for her?" AJ said.

"I am not going to answer! You already have the answer." Dr. Natalya said.

AJ started thinking.

"Go look for her, AJ! Even if you are going to go through hell, take the risk! If you didn't find her now, you are going to regret for the rest of your life." Dr. Natalya said and AJ had a smile on his face as if he was convinced.

"I don't know how to thank you, doctor!! Thanks a lot." AJ said.

"You are welcome, AJ! This is probably the last time I am going to see you so I hope you find Alexa and you two live a happy life." Dr. Natalya said.

"But why do you think it's the last time?" AJ said.

"Because you already found the treatment to your depression, you don't need me anymore......God bless you and I will be waitinh for your wedding's invitation." Natalya said with a smile.

"Thanks a lot!! Good bye!" AJ said and left.

"In Becky's House"

Becky was reading a book when she received some messages from Sami apologizing to her and asking her to answer his phone call for something important.

Her phone started ringing and Becky started thinking for a while but then answered.

Sami: Hello!

Becky: Hey Sami!?

Sami: Just wanted to ask about you? How are you doing?

Becky: I am fine.....Is that what you wanted?

Sami: Not really! I miss you.

Becky: Sami, What are you saying? Are you joking?

Sami: No I am not! I want us to get beck together! Maybe our decision to get divorced was so quick and wrong! Give me one more chance to prove how much I love you.


Sami: Let's meet!! Maybe we are going to get things right between us!

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