Chapter 22 "Birthday Party"

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Saturday 1:00 AM

"In The Old Hotel"

Seth was sleeping but he got up when he felt some noise in the room.

He woke up and found his roomate preparing herself to go out.

"Can you just be quiet and stop that noise! I can't sleep." Seth said.

"I am going out anyway so there will be no noise!" She said.

"Do you realise it's 1 AM now?!" Seth said.

"Yes." She said.

"Ok." Seth said and then she left.

"Is that girl crazy?! Where is she going now?......Who cares!!" Seth said and he slept again.

Miami 10:00 AM

"In AJ, Luke and Karl's Room"

AJ was still sleeping and while he was sleeping, Karl and Luke with Alexa and Nia came nearer to him.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" They all shouted so AJ got up in panic to find them all standing in front of him with a cake in Luke's hand.

"What....What is going on?" AJ said clearing his eyes.

"Happy Birthday, Brother." Karl said and hugged AJ.

"Ohhh thanks, guys!" AJ said with a wide smile.

AJ got up to eat the cake with his friends.

"We are going to celebrate tonight.....We will give you one special night since it's your birthday and it's our last day here in Miami." Karl said.

"It will not be a surprise party now since we already told you but you will enjoy anyway." Luke said and laughed.

"Then I should get prepared....I will go this afternoon to buy something from the mall and come back at time for the party." AJ said.

"You want me to come with you?" Alexa said.

"No!" AJ said.

"No?! Ok then but don't be late for the party." Alexa said.

"Are you gonna be there at the party?! Did you get an invitation?" AJ asked Alexa.

"No...." Alexa said.

"Hahaha I am just wouldn't be a party without you." AJ said so Alexa blushed.

Meanwhile in the same hotel but in Sami and Becky's room.

Sami was still sleeping but Becky wasn't, she was checking her phone and she recieved a notification telling her that today is AJ's Birthday.

Becky started to write a message to AJ saying happy birthday.

While Becky was writing the message, Sami woke up so Becky deleted that message and left her phone.

"You are already up, Becky?" Sami said.

"Yes...yes! I woke up an hour ago." Becky said.

"Why haven't you woken me up when you woke up?" Sami said.

"You looked so tired so I said I shouldn't wake you up." Becky said.

"So where would you like to go today? I am gonna take you to any place you want." Sami said.

"I don't know." Becky said.

"Let's go to the beach....I really want to swim. What do you think?" Sami said.

"Ok." Becky said.

"In Dean Ambrose's office"

Dean was in a very bad mood and was shouting at anyone that talks to him. He called for Tyler and Fandango.

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