Chapter 12 "Hollywood Star"

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A week has passed and things were still the same and to sum up what happened on that week:

AJ Styles has been in his house alone for the whole week refusing to meet anyone and locking himself there and on the other hand, his wife Becky was still in her parent's house, spending her days crying over her dead son.

AJ and Becky haven't seen each other since Becky was in the hospital as Becky refuses to see him but AJ was checking on her everyday by calling her mother.

Seth Rollins was finished with his PhD project which was the medicine and in few days that medicine would be tested and if it passed that test, Seth will finally get his PhD degree.

Seth started spending more time with his fiancee Sasha and she was no longer mad at him.

Noam Dar was still wotking on his plan to get his revenge from Seth...

And in the fairy land, Adam Cole was still working on his plan to invade the fairy land meanwhile, Alexa, after learning that AJ's son was killed, she tried to convince herself that she got over AJ but part of her was telling her to go and be by his side in this hard time.

Moving on to somewhere we haven't heard about since the story started, to the home of movie stars and celebrities, to Hollywood.

Hollywood, 12:00 PM

In a very luxurious, beautiful and very big house in Hollywood, a very famous movie star was living with his wife. That star was not only very rich and famous but he was also so arrogant and selfish, he spends great money on his living but never thought about doing charities or helping others.

That Movie star's name was Micheal Mizanin known as 'The Miz'. He met his wife when he was in high school as she was his french teacher, he loved her and they got married so she left her work in the school and she was now managing Miz's business.

"In Miz's House"

Miz was talking in the phone and after he ended the call that literally lasted for an hour, he went to sit in front of his pool.

His wife, Maryse was swimming in the pool and when her husband came in and sat down, she came out of the pool to sit with him.

"Hey, Miz! How are things going?" Maryse said.

"Everything is great, The director just called me and told me that we are gonna start filming the new movie starting from tomorrow." Miz said excitedly.

"Great news!" Maryse said.

"You will have to prepare yourself as we are gonna travel to New York tonight. The filming will be in New York." Miz said.

"Awesome! I was just gonna tell you that I am feeling bored and want to travel." Maryse said.

"See, before you even ask for something, you find it." Miz said.

"Yes!! I am gonna go prepare myself right now!" Maryse said excitedly and went to prepare her bags.

"But don't take too many bags, we are gonna stay there for just a couble of days." Miz called as he knows Maryse would take like 6 or 7 bags with her.

"Don't worry!! Just gonna take what's necessary." Maryse called.

Miz went to prepare his bags and he packed his things in 2 bags then he called for his personal servants, Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel to take his bags down to the car.

Bo and Curtis took Miz's bag to the car and Miz dressed up and was ready to go. He went down to the car and waited for Maryse.

"Come on, Maryse!! We don't wanna be late." Miz called so after few minutes, Maryse came down.

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