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Smokescreen's p.o.v

It's been six days since I've escaped the Nemesis, that means one more day and I'll be in the clear to use my alt-mode to fetch Eve. Right now I was lying down on my berth in my berthroom and staring at the ceiling. The others were either out on patrol or doing their own stuff while Jack, Miko, Raf and Eve were at school.

It sucked that I couldn't go out. Is this what Bee felt like when he lost his T-Cog? Gosh, I hope Eve doesn't mind.

Oh yeah, crush.......

I groaned and buried my helm in the pillow. I wanted to tell her so badly that I love her Primus damn it! But.......I'm so scared. So many things could go wrong.

For all I knew, I was just kidding myself. Does Eve really like me back? Look, I know Bee and Bulk are anything but liars and I know they'll always watch my back heck, I'd trust them with my spark but.....what if they just told me that Eve liked me back just to make me feel better?

What if they were being honest but were wrong either ways? What if Eve just thinks of me as a friend- a close friend like Arcee and Jack? What if she rejects me? What if she ends up thinking I'm a weirdo or some kinda perv if I confess? She might just end up thinking I used this whole guardian as an excuse when it sure as the Pits isn't the case!

I sighed. That wasn't all. What terrified me the most is the prospect of her ending up hating me.....ok, maybe she won't downright hate me like the way Buckethead hates Optimus but she might look at me differently.

What if she doesn't want to be my partner anymore if I told her the truth? What if.....what if she doesn't want to even be my friend if I do this? In all honesty, I already treasure the way things already are between us.

But.....I.......should I turn our relationship into something....more?

I love her. I mean, she's kind, she's funny, she's spunky, she's loyal, she's as brave-maybe braver than any soldier I've ever known, she's smart, she's beautiful on the inside and out, she always manages to see past people's mistakes and look deeper- she's everything any guy could've asked for!

I love Eve for who she was. I loved Eve as Eve. Simple as that.

I sighed and sat up. In a battle you never know what the next minute- what the next second will bring; You don't know when the nest blast will be shot, you don't know when the next punch will be thrown, you don't know whether it'll hit, you don't know where it'll hit.

It's unpredictable.

Right now, this dilemma of mine was just as unpredictable as any battle, scratch that, it was even more complicated and even more confusing!

I took a datapad out of my subspace and turned it on. I then began to flip through the various pictures on it. I needed something to distract me, to take my processor off this before I lose it.

This datapad is actually more precious to me than the Phase Shifter, well, sentimental value wise. But seriously, this datapad wasn't just any datapad- it was a datapad from my home, my real home back in Praxian on Cybertron.

Before it got attacked and turned into a warzone, before my sire and carrier went offline. This datapad was actually the only thing the Autobots managed to scavenge from my home. I slowly flipped through all the pictures, my optics sucking in all the details.

I've gone through it hundreds of times but I never get sick of it. It's the only thing that gives me some form of connection to Cybertron. The datapad was filled with pictures of Cybertron during the Golden Age- of soaring skyscrapers that seem to stretch all the way up to the stars; of Cybertronians from various cities of various builds and occupations mingling together and having fun, treating one another as equals; of parks filled with colorful lights that could light up the darkest nights and so much more.

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