Start from the beginning

"That probably would've been better than facing cons." Smokescreen said. "Sides' it was no biggie." He said attempting to brush it off.

"Smokes, if you plan on playing the cool-nothing-to-worry-about card I will personally whack you with a wrench." Evelyn said. Smokescreen nearly laughed but it died on his glossa the moment he saw the dead serious look on Evelyn's face.

"Yes ma'am." Smokescreen said meekly.

Then Evelyn leaned forward and hugged his faceplate tenderly. "I'm just glad you're alright." She said. Evelyn wasn't the type to stay angry for long. Yes, she was pissed off because he did something so stupid and she was angry because he had no idea how terrified she was. But she wasn't one to hold onto that for too long and knew when to push it aside and make room for relief and joy at seeing things were okay now.

She thought about it then kissed his cheek. "They say a kiss can help the mind and body heal." She said with a slight tint of pink on her cheeks.

Smokescreen tenderly touched the spot where her lips made contact and lowered his helm with a smile in an attempt to hide the red tint on his faceplate. "T-they weren't wrong." He said. 'You just got another kiss! On the cheek but still!' he thought.

"RATCHEEEEEEET! SMOKES IS ALIVE!" Evelyn announced as she ran out of the med bay. Ratchet covered his audio receptors at her announcement. Smokescreen tried to ignore the slight disappointment in his spark at not being able to spend some more alone time with Evelyn.

'How can one small being be so loud?!' he questioned himself not for the first time. "I'm coming, I'm coming now quit shouting before you damage our audio receptors! We've got enough problems on our hands already." He grumbled and made his way into the med bay.

Soon, all of Team Prime was gathered around him including the humans who opted to gather beside him on the berth. "Now this is a nice welcoming committee." Smokescreen joked. Then he grew more serious. "The keys?" he asked.

"Safe now, thanks to you." Optimus told him and showed Smokescreen the four Omega Keys they now possessed.

Smokescreen smirked. "What did I tell you? Destiny! Alpha Trion knew I'd keep em safe." He said proudly with his chest puffed up in pride.

Arcee scowled and whacked him over the helm. Okay, now that hurt. "Ow! You trying to give me another headache?" Smokescreen asked and rubbed his helm.

"That was for scaring the scrap out of all of us." Arcee said with a scowl then her gaze softened. "But Primus kid, you're lucky. Good to see that you're learning." She couldn't stop the smile from coming onto her faceplate as she was admittedly impressed and proud of his achievement.

"Lucky indeed." Ratchet agreed seriously. "You lost a lot of energon, your body was covered in Primus knows how many cuts ranging from mesh wounds to gashes and your freefall stunt made the wound on your door wing worse! Had it not been for the backup energon supply you would've gone into stasis much longer due to energon loss."

"Knockout really did a number on me, huh?" Smokescreen said.

"He did this to you?!" Evelyn said anger rising. "That's it, the next time I see that guy I am going to kick his arse, stuff it up his tailpipe and scratch his paint off all together." She said seething and had someone used a cortical psychic patch right then and there, she might have been taken to prison as a possible murderer.

Yes, that's just how detailed and graphic she was planning Knockout's torture but a girl can dream, right? Right?!

"Smokescreen, what happened? What did the Decepticons do? Did you learn of anything of importance while you were there?" Optimus asked.

Let's Roll Out, Mate! [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now