The Winter of the Doctor

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"She hasn't aged much," Clara whispered as we went towards Tasha.

"No, she's against aging"

"Confess," The Silences we walked past said.

"What are those things?" Clara asks.

"Confessional priests. Very popular. Genetically engineered so you forget everything you told them"

Clara looked back at the Doctor. "Told who?"

"There you go"

We followed Tasha to a room, there was a table with four chairs inside. The Doctor sat across from Tasha and the heads of the table, Clara and I across from each other.

"Satisfactory?" Tasha asked as she slid a box to him.

He opened it, stuck his face inside, then asked, "Where are the pink ones?"

"E numbers. You're hyper enough as it is"

"So, this is sweet," Clara says. "Middle of a siege and you two have little chats?"

"She's right. This situation cannot continue," Tasha told the Doctor as he threw the marshmallows from the box over his shoulders, searching.

"It can't end, either", he stated, closing the box.

"Why did you ever come to Trenzalore?"

"Well, I did come to Trenzalore and nothing can change that now. Didn't stop you trying, though, did it?"

"Not me. The Kovarian chapter broke away. They travelled back along your timeline and tried to prevent you ever reaching Trenzalore"

"So that's who blew up my Tardis. I thought I'd left the bath running"

"They blew up your time capsule and created the very cracks in the universe through which the Time Lords are now calling"

"The destiny trap. You can't change history if you're part of it"

"They engineered a psychopath to kill you"

"Totally befriended her. I'd never have made it here alive without River Song"

"They made the Revenant forget about you"

"They what?" I ask angrily.

"Totally married her," the Doctor says simply.

"I'm not interested in changing history, Doctor," Tasha says. "I want to change the future. The Daleks send for reinforcements daily. They are massing for war. Three days ago, they attacked the Mainframe itself"

"They attacked here?"

"How did you stop them?" Clara asks.

"Stop them?" Tasha asks. "It was slaughter"

"Why didn't you call me? I could have helped," the Doctor says.

"Because she's dead too," I tell him, cautiously standing up from my chair.

Tasha looks at me, then down at the floor. "Oh, I died. It's funny the things that slip your mind"

She fell forwards, her body spasming a bit, and then a Dalek's eye protruded from her forehead. Three Daleks then entered the room. I backed into the table, not having enough time to go to the other side with the Doctor. If I moved the Daleks would shoot me.

"Stand away from the Dalek Unit, Doctor!"

"She didn't even know who I am," the Doctor says.

"Information concerning the Doctor was harvested from the cadaver of Tasha Lem"

"But she never told you how to break the Trenzalore force field, though. She'd have died first"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now