The Time of the Doctor - 3

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I ended up ignoring the markings, focused on what we were doing. The Doctor set us down near the signal's source. Clara grabbed the wig and tossed it at him.

"Put it back on," she ordered.


"Your ears are like rocket fins"

"I know"

Clara also changed, putting on real clothes, and then we stepped out into the town. There were lights wrapped around trees and snow falling from the sky.

"What do we make of this place?" The Doctor asks, his sonic in one hand and Handles in the other. "It's two o'clock in the afternoon. Must be very short days here. The message is coming from that tower"

We approached a man and woman walking around with a lantern, The Doctor trying to get some answers.

"Hello, hello there," he called out to them then he whispered to us. "Right, we're a family from the next town. My name's probably Hank, or Rock, something like that.

"Or Daisy," Clara jokes.

"Shut up," he said to her, then we finally stopped walking. "Hello, good to meet you. Nice snow"

"Most pleasant to meet you, too," The man says, shaking his hand.

"Most pleasant, most pleasant," the woman repeats.

"I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. I stole a time machine and ran away, and I've been flouting the principal law of my own people ever since, but I've found someone important to me so it doesn't matter as much," the Doctor explained, quickly covering his mouth. The couple only laughed and he spoke from behind his hand. "That wasn't quite what I meant to say"

"I'm the Revenant, but also the Witness, from Gallifrey. I've killed many, a lot of Daleks before the Time War in order to prevent it but it didn't work out," I stopped myself from talking, shutting my mouth, and raised one of my eyebrows. "What?"

"I'm an English teacher from the planet Earth, and I ran off with a man from space-"

"I think perhaps you should stop talking till you get used to it," the woman says with a smile.

"Used to what?" The Doctor asks.

"What did you say your name was?" She asks Clara.

"Bubbly personality masking bossy control freak," she said quickly, covering her mouth again.

"I'm wearing a wig!" The Doctor pointed out, covering his mouth again. "No-ah, I see! Yes, of course. It's a truth field. Oh, that is so quaint I haven't seen a truth field in years. I'm wearing a wig"

"No one can lie in this town. Especially this close to the tower," the man tells us before they both started walking past.

"Doesn't that make life a bit difficult?"

"Not at all," the woman said.

"Yes," The man responded.

"This town, what's it called?" The Doctor asks.

"It's Christmas"

"It's July"

"No, the town. The town is Christmas. That's what it's called," the woman says.

"Be happy here. Be well," the man says.

"How can a town be called Christmas?" Clara asks when they were gone.

"I don't know. How can an island be called Easter? Maybe it's just nice here. I almost hate to find out what's wrong," he said as we went towards the tower.

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora