Closing Time - 2

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"But a teleport in a shop? That's ridiculous!" The lights flickered again. "What was that? Was that the lights again?"

The Doctor looked around, and so did I, and he spoke in a strangled voice. "Yes. That's it, that's all, it's the lights"

"Why did you say that like that?"

"Like what? Like-" he lowered his voice. "Like what?"

"Like that, in that high pitched voice"

"Just keep looking at me, Craig. Right at me"


"Well, because, because..." Craig tried to turn around and look but the Doctor moved closer to him, grabbing his arms. "Because I love you"

"You love me?"

"Yes, Craig, it's you, it's always been you"


"Is that so surprising?" The Doctor asked, pulling out his sonic and wrapping his arms around Craig's neck.

"Doctor, are you going to kiss me?"

"Yes, Craig, Yes I am. Would you like that? Bit out of practice but I've had some wonderful feedback"

The Doctor puckered his lips and awkwardly moved closer to Craig. "Doctor, no, I can't, I'm taken," he looked back and started to freak out. "Oh my god!!!"

"Or we could just hold hands if it'd make you feel more comfortable"

"What's happening?"

"First of all, I don't really love you, except as a friend," The Doctor said urgently as we heard the stomps of a Cyberman approaching us.

"What is that?!"

I stepped back and stared at the others with my glasses, since the Doctor was panicking a little and fidgeting with his sonic. I reversed the teleport, knowing I wouldn't be teleported with them.

The Cyberman stopped in front of me, and I put my glasses on the top of my head. "Well, what's all this about then? You invade Earth and you chose a shopping mall?"

It took another step closer and I tried to teleport away with my ring, but something was keeping it from working. The Cyberman hit me and I fell to the ground.

I thought I had died, but that was proven wrong when I woke up on the couch in Craig's living room. I walked upstairs, standing outside the door as I heard the Doctor talking with Alfie. There was a projection of the stars spinning slowly on the ceiling. It was beautiful.

"You know, when I was little, like you, I dreamt of the stars. I think it's fair to say, in the language of your age, that I lived my dream. I owned the stage, gave it 110 percent. I hope you have as much fun as I did, Alfie. Find someone who'll make every adventure even more exciting, like the Revenant. You may even start to love them and start an entirely new adventure. I hope she will someday, start a new adventure without me"

I wanted to speak up, ask what he meant, but I was frozen. He paused, as if he were listening to Alfie speak, he probably was, then he kept talking.

"Your dad's trying his best, you know. Yes, I know, it's not his fault he doesn't have mammary glands. No, neither do I. Alfie, why is there a sinister beeping coming from behind me"

I used my glasses on the Cybermat that had snuck upstairs, temporalily stopping the small silver rat like thing, and the Doctor's eyes widened in shock.

"Come on now, Doctor, time to run"

We finally stopped the Cybermat from killing anyone. I stood in the kitchen, looking out the window for a bit, then I went into the living room, finding them sitting on the couch, Craig with Alfie laying on his chest.

"Craig, very soon I won't be here. My time is running out. I don't mean Exodor. 'Silence will fall when the question is asked'. Don't even know what the question is. I always knew I'd die still asking," the Doctor said, not hearing me enter the room.

"The one question that has never been answered. The question that not one has an answer to. The question that has followed him wherever he goes. The question that is making him run for his life," I thought to myself.

"Thing is, Craig... it's tomorrow. Can't put it off anymore. Tomorrow is the day I..." he looked back at Craig who was asleep with Alfie on his chest.

"Doctor," I said instead of answering his question with the question I now knew he was looking for. "What do you mean your time is running out? What happens tomorrow?"

His mouth gaped open and he looked like a fish out of water. He clearly didn't want to answer. But he stood up and quietly moved over to me.

"I ignored your whole farewell tour explanation because I thought it was just you deciding to move on to find other things, but you make it sound like you're going to die"

"Revenant, I can't tell you"

"And why not?"

"Because you aren't actually here. You somehow made a projection with your glasses and sent it to my sonic without me knowing"

"What? No I'm not"

"This must be your mind's doing. You're unconscious, this is your brain creating some sort of lucid dream for you"

"But you two are real, aren't you?"

"Yes, I see and hear you, your sunglasses have made sure of that. But you need to wake up. Whatever's going on you aren't dead yet, you need to get yourself to safety before it kills you completely"

When my eyes opened I quickly stood up. The Doctor and Craig were both being held by the Cybermen. They started trying to convert Craig into a Cyberman. I ran over to them, hoping to make it in time, but the head formed around Craig's head. Yet he somehow fought back against the conversion

"What is happening?" A Cyberman asked.

"What's happening, you metal moron? A baby is crying! And you'd better watch out, because guess what? Haha! Daddy's coming home!" The Doctor cheered.

"Alfie!" Craig shouted. "Alfie, I'm here! I'm coming for you!"

He broke out of the restraints and we started searching for a way out, because the ship was about to explode. We teleported back to the mall and I went straight to the Tardis after saying goodbye to Craig, letting the Doctor explain things.

"If it weren't for me, your life would've been much simpler. But if it weren't for you, mine would've been as well," I said, looking at him as the Doctor entered the Tardis.

I paused, looking away from him. He was confused, his face looked the same as when I had first erased his mind of me.

"When we were stuck in that hotel, I was drawn to three different rooms. In one of them I found myself inside, a version of myself that had never known you"

"What about the other rooms?"

"They don't matter at this moment. Since I thought it had to do with fear, I thought perhaps I was scared to be without you. Yet, when I learned it was based on faith, I realized I wasn't scared of losing you. Instead I had faith that I didn't need to be with you to live, that I'd be able to do things on my own"

"You don't want to stay here with me?"

"It's not that. I just don't want to have to rely on you for every little thing. I'm going to travel a little on my own, but I know I'll always be able to find you if I need you"

"I need you, I need you to help me figure this out"

"You need to figure this out on your own. I cannot aid you in finding your own fate"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now