The End of Time - 3

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Everyone started running for their lives, racing out of the building. I fell to my knees, knowing what was to come. Knowing there was nothing I could do.

"But this is fantastic, isn't it? The Time Lords restored," the Master said.

"You weren't there in the final days of the war. You never saw what was born. But if the Time-Lock's broken then everything's coming through. Not just the Daleks, but the Skaro Degradations. The Horde of Travesties. The Nightmare Child. The Could Have Been King with his army of Meanwhiles and Never-Weres. The War turning to Hell. And that's what you've opened, right above the Earth. Hell is descending," the Doctor explained.

"My kind of world"

"Just listen! 'Cause even the Time Lords can't survive that"

"We will initiate the final sanction," Father said.

"Don't do it, you'll destroy everything. For what? Coming here will not stop the war! It will only make it continue!" I shout. "You will make your people suffer even longer than they have!"

"The end of time will come..." he continued, his eyes locked on the Doctor. "At my hand. The rupture will continue until it rips the Time Vortex apart"

"That's suicide," the Master said.

"Genocide!" I add.

"We will ascend to become creatures of consciousness alone, free of these bodies, free of time and cause and effect, while creation itself ceases to be"

I stand up, brushing off my knees, after a thought occurred to me. I'd stop this, well I'd try. I only had one weapon available to me at the moment and I was going to use it.

My voice.

"That's a shame, I rather like this body. One of my more favourite regenerations"

"This is no time for jokes! Come to me, my child, stand by my side"

"I'm not on your side, no matter who you are to me or anyone else. I may not be a Human but I still choose their side"

"You'd rather stand on the side of the man who destroyed us?!"

I didn't answer him.

"You see now?" The Doctor said to the Master. "That's what they were planning in the final days of the war. I had to stop them"

"Then, take me with you, Lord President, let me ascend into glory!" The Master said to my father.

"You are diseased. Albeit a disease of our own making. No more"

He put up his hand, ready to kill the Master with his gauntlet, but the Doctor stood up. He cocked the gun and aimed it at my father.

"Choose your enemy well. We are many. The Master is but one"

"But he's the President. Kill him and Gallifrey could be yours," the Master says.

"You're not helping yourself," I mutter as the Doctor spins and aims the gun at the Master.

"He's to blame, not me!" The Master shouts.

"Who brought them here?" I ask calmly.

"Oh, the link is inside my head. Kill me, the link gets broken, they go back. You never would, you coward"

"The coward calls the brave man rash. The rash man calls him a coward," I quote, looking back and forth between the Master and the five other Time Lords in the room, not including the Doctor. "You want to know what else a Human said? The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave man... only five hundred"

"What do you speak of child?"

My eyes stop on those of the Time Lords that just came from Gallifrey. The Doctor kept the gun aimed at the Master but his full attention was put on me.

"You're going to get rid of the Human race. Fine," I say with a little shrug. "But you cannot call this man a coward"

"You're taking the side of him? Why? Why have you chosen our greatest enemy?!"

"I thought your greatest enemy were the Daleks, those who have been on the opposite side of the war since it has begun"

"No. He's the one that destroyed our kind. And he fled, like a coward," he said, hissing when he said coward.

"I don't know this man, this is the first time I've ever actually seen him. But I'm a Time Lady, I know all about what he's done. He has lived so many lives while all of you hid. He's killed. Even though he knows it's wrong. But he has reasons, those reasons being this planet. The Doctor is not a coward, he is braver than all of you. He was brave enough to destroy the planet and his entire race just to keep other planets out of danger! He isn't being a coward. He's running. Running so he can face the problems you lot have created"

"You've been on Earth too long," Father growled.

He raised his hand and the gauntlet started glowing blue. He pointed a finger at me, causing a blue laser to shoot out at me. I flew back, landing on the ground, causing my train of thought to go off the rails.

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