Dream or Reality - 2

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"This is bad. I don't like this," The Doctor kicked the console, making it stop the shaking.

We had woken up in the Tardis again for some reason, all of us even more confused as to what was going on.

"Never use force. You just embarrass yourself, unless you're cross in which case, always use force"

"Shall I run and get the manual?" Amy asks.

"I threw it in a supernova," The Doctor said, quickly limping down some stairs.

"You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?"

"Because I disagreed with it! Stop talking to me when I'm cross!"

"Okay, but whatever's wrong with the Tardis, is that what caused us to dream about the future? Rayna, what do you have to say about this?"

"I don't think it's the Tardis causing this, but I've still got a lot of possibilities on the top of my head so I can't explain anything yet"

The power of the Tardis turned off, the Doctor and I both looking up through the little sky roof.

"It's dead. We're in a dead time machine," I say.

The Doctor looked around then finally thought of something. "Someone, something is overriding my controls!"

"Well, that took a while," a man who suddenly appeared in the Tardis said. "Honestly, I'd heard such good things. The Oncoming Storm, the last Time Lord, him in the bow tie. And you," he looked over at me. "The Revenant, the Witness, the weakness!"

"What?" I ask.

"You don't know? Well, that's something for you to figure out on your own," he walked down the stairs, going past the Doctor and I.

"How did you get into my Tardis?" The Doctor asked lowly. "What are you?"

"What shall we call me? If you're the Time Lord, let's call me the Dream Lord"

"Nice look"

"This? No, I'm not convinced. Bow ties?"

The Doctor took something out of his pocket, throwing it at the Dream Lord, but it went straight through him.


"It's in the name, isn't it. Spooky, not quite there-" he teleported behind us. "And yet very much here," he teleported once again. "Here's your challenge. Two worlds, here in the time machine, and there, in the village that time forgot. One is real, the other's fake. And just to make it more interesting, you are to face in both worlds a deadly danger, but only one of the dangers is real. Tweet-tweet, Time to sleep. Oh, or are you waking up?"

I woke up in an old folks home, sitting on a recliner. I stood up, looking around the pink painted room. The Doctor was wearing a knitted sweater.

The Dream Lord walked in with X-rays in his hand. "This is bad, this is very, very, bad. Look at this X-ray. Your brain is completely see through. But then, I've always been able to see through you, Doctor"

"Always? What do you mean, always?" Amy asks.

The Doctor sat down in the chair I woke up in, looking around in thought. I went over to the windows, looking outside at the abandoned streets.

"Now, then, the prognosis is this. If you die in the dream, you wake up in reality. Healthy recovery in next to no time. Ask me what happens if you die in reality"

"What happens?" Rory asks.

"You die, stupid. That's why it's called reality"

"Have you met the Doctor before?" Amy asked. "Do you know him? Doctor, does he?"

"Now, don't get jealous. He's been around, our boy. So has she, she's done even more than he has. She has many more enemies than him"

"Are you trying to say you're one of them? She's why you're doing this?"

"Oh no, no, no, she's not my enemy. But never mind that, you've got a world to choose. One reality was always too much for you, Doctor. Take two and call me in the morning"

He disappeared and the Doctor turned to talk to me, standing up again while removing the sweater.

"Revenant, think, which one is reality?"


"Come on, you have to pick one"

"Who said we have to pick one or the other? Why not none? I believe we were told to figure out which one was reality. I'm saying-"

I felt something sharp, going straight through one of my hearts. Whoever was behind me had stabbed me, and I could tell they were running for it as I heard their retreating footsteps. The Doctor grabbed onto my body before I could fall and gently set me down on the ground, still holding my body.

"Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved," I told him.

"Shh, don't talk, you'll regenerate-"

"I won't Doctor. Because this isn't reality"

He put a hand to my cheek. "Why are you so sure?"

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality. Focus on the problems"

"You're talking in code" he says, his eyebrows scrunched together. "Are you not able to tell me any other way?"

The man making all of this happen appeared, a giant smile on his face. "We can't have her spoiling the fun, can we?"

"So does that mean she was right? Both are the dream?" Amy asks.

"Only she could tell you that. But oh, too late. She's dead"

I woke up, in the bed once again. Both my hearts were still beating. The Doctor entered the room with a confused look.

"Why did he mention the Witness? And what's the weakness?"

"You'll never have to worry about it"

"Never is an awfully long time"

I sigh. "I'm going to search some of the places this ring has been that I didn't know of, I might find something. Once I learn what it's all about I'll tell you. I may never learn, though. But the Dream Lord, wasn't that-"

"It was just me, yeah, as well as some psychic pollen that got in the Tardis"

"Deep down you know what it was about then, since it was you. He knows something, you know something but don't know what. It's something to think about in the future I suppose"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now