The Return of the Daleks

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"The Revenant and the Doctor must be exterminated!"

The Doctor stepped in front of me, holding a cookie out in front of himself. "Not so fast, sweetheart"

"We are the paradigm of a new Dalek race. Scientist, strategist, drone, eternal, and the supreme!"

"Which would be you, I'm guessing. Well, you know, nice paint job. I'd be feeling pretty swish if I looked like you. Question is, what do we do now? Either you turn off your clever machine or I'll blow you and your new paradigm into eternity"

"And yourself"

"Occupational hazard!"

The blue Dalek came forward, stopping beside the white one. "TARDIS self-destruct device non-existent"

"Well, you tried," I tell him.

The Doctor took a bite of the cookie. "All right. It's a Jammie Dodger. But I was promised tea!"

Alarms started blaring, drawing the attention of the Daleks away from us and towards one of the damaged controls.

"Alert, unidentified projectile approaching! Correction, multiple projectiles!"

"What have the Humans done?"

"I don't know," the Doctor said with a smile.

"Explain, explain, explain!"

"Danny Boy to the Doctor," a voice said through the speakers of the ship. "Are you receiving me? Over"

"Oh, Winston, you beauty!"

"Danny Boy to the Doctor, are you receiving me? Over"

"Loud and clear, Danny Boy! Big dish, side of the ship, blow it up!"

"Exterminate the Time Lords!!"

The Doctor grabbed my hand and pulled me after him as we both ran for the Tardis, avoiding the fire from the Daleks.

"Danny Boy to the Doctor, only me left now. Anything you can do, sir? Over"

The Doctor picked up something and put it to his mouth, speaking through it. "The Doctor to Danny Boy, I can disrupt the Dalek shields, but not for long. Over"

"No, you give me a second. I can get that shield down permanently," I tell him.

"How can you do that?"

I smirk, starting to run around the console of the Tardis, pulling levers and pressing buttons. The Doctor watched, amazed I knew what I was doing.

"Direct hit," Danny Boy said.

"Doctor to Danny Boy, destroy this ship!" The Doctor said, looking at me as I pressed the final button to turn off all weapons of the ship.

"What about you, sir?"

"I'll be okay"

"Doctor, call off your attack"

"Ha, what? And let you scuttle off back to the future? No fear. This is the end for you. The final end"

The Doctor walked over towards the screen where a live video was showing the Daleks outside the Tardis.

"Call off the attack or we will destroy the Earth"

"I'm not stupid, mate, you've just played your last card"

"Bracewell is a bomb"

The Doctor turned to look at me. "Don't suppose you know how to stop that, do you?"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now