Hotel - 2

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After walking for fifteen minutes in the hallways that seemed to get longer and longer with every step I took, I stopped. I felt drawn to the room I stopped beside, the one with the number 10 on it.

I opened the door and stepped inside, freezing once I saw who was in there. The Doctor, during his previous regeneration and the man I had loved as the Witness, was one of them. The other was a red head, she was the Witness.

"Allons-y, Revenant, come closer," the Tenth Doctor said. "Don't be scared, it's only me"

"Am I supposed to be scared?" I ask, keeping my body close to the door.


"This has nothing to do with fear," the Witness told me. "We're here to show you what you miss. You miss the way things used to be between you and the old version of the Doctor, without all the mind erasing and confusion"

"N-no I don't"

"Don't lie to yourself, you love him, and so do I," she said, looking at him.

"I love you," The Doctor said to her.

She smiled and they kissed. I slowly backed out of the room, keeping myself from getting worked up over the past.

I kept walking, getting the thoughts of my past still being able to happen again out of my mind. I wished it would happen, it was possible, but it also seemed impossible.

Again I was drawn to a room, this one with the number 11. It made me think. In room 10 I saw the tenth regeneration of the Doctor, perhaps I'd see the present version of him in here.

I was right. When I stepped inside the Doctor was waiting for me on the bed. He had his hands folded on his chest and looked to be waiting. Once he saw me he stood up with a smile.

"Well done, Revenant, you've found me, your last bit of faith to find. I bet you didn't know all this was gonna happen, did you?"

"No," I responded slightly in shock at his quick talking.

"You know I'd never leave you, I love you"

"Getting straight to the point, then?" I mutter.

"I love you the same way the Doctor before me loved the Witness. Now the Witness and the Revenant are one so I can think of the past of our relationship but also the present"

"Doctor, you're scaring me. What are you talking about?"

"I'm not meant to scare you, I'm here to reassure you that your faith in me is forever. You can have faith that I'll always be there"

He stepped closer to me and put a hand on my cheek but I shoved him away and ran out of the room. I ran through the hallways which eventually turned into the hallways of the Tardis.

I didn't have time to react to the change because someone running around the corner tumbled on top of me. The Doctor looked down at me, a smile on his face.

"Good to see you"

"You too"

His eyebrows scrunched together. "This is all too familiar," he said with a chuckle.

He helped me up and dragged me outside. The hotel had vanished, revealing that we were only in some sort of simulation. Everyone else was standing there too, except for Rita who had died as well as Howie and Joe.

"What is it? A minotaur or an alien? Or an alien minotaur?" Amy asks. "That's not a question I thought I'd be asking this morning"

"It's both actually. Yeah, here we go," The Doctor said going over to a computer. I followed, following along with what he was reading on the screen. "A distant cousin of the Nimon. They descend on planets and set themselves up as gods to be worshipped. Which is fine until the inhabitants get all secular and advanced enough to build bonkers prisons"

"Correction," Rory said. "Prisons in space"

"Where are the guards?" Amy asks.

"No need for any. It's all automated. It drifts through space, snatching people with belief systems, and converts their faith into food for the creature"

Amy walked over to us. "It didn't want just me. So you must believe in some god or someone, or they'd have shown you the door too. So, what do Time Lords pray to?"

The Doctor avoided the question. "According to the in-flight recorder, the program developed glitches. Got stuck on the same setting. The fears from the people before us weren't tidied away"

The creature, laying on the ground and slowly dying, spoke. But only the Doctor and I could understand.

"What's it saying?" Amy asks.

"An ancient creature, drenched in the blood of the innocent, drifting in space through an endless shifting maze. For such a creature death would be a gift," he translated.

The Doctor and I both knelt down beside it, him placing a hand on its hoof like hand. It was breathing more heavily now.

"Then accept it," The Doctor whispered. "And sleep well"

We stood up, about to walk over to the Tardis, but the Doctor froze when it spoke up again.

"I wasn't talking about myself," The Doctor translated it's final words, making me glance over at him.

We left, bringing Giddis back home first then going to Earth. We ended up in front of a house with a nice car parked out front. I said goodbye to the Ponds, knowing what the Doctor was doing.

He was giving the Ponds a home, not wanting them to be with him any longer where they could end up dead. He didn't want to deal with losing them because of a mistake he made.

The Doctor came back in and started moving around the console. He leaned against it once we were moving. I moved beside him, putting a hand over his.

"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back," I tell him. "You've just given them the time to do whatever they like"

"It was all based on faith, not fear," he suddenly said.


"The rooms. What we saw was what we had faith in. What did you see?"

"Nothing, I never found my room," I lied.

He looked up, moving away from the console so he was standing directly in front of me. "Don't lie to me. What did you see?"

"You tell me first. What did you find behind your door?"

We had a stare off, neither one of us looking away from the other. None of us spoke or answered the questions asked. I couldn't tell him about it all without knowing myself.

The first room with me without him. Maybe that was my faith in not being with the Doctor for the rest of my life, because it had been something on my mind. I used to not want to travel forever, not have to fight any longer, but my mind had changed now that I had my memories back. I could survive without him, but that didn't mean I wanted to.

The second room, that was my faith in things going back to the way they were. The Witness and the Tenth Doctor in love, remaining in love and together on each of their strange adventures. But that one was also an impossible thing.

Finally, the third room with the present Doctor. My faith in the man named the Doctor. I didn't know what to think about it. It was my faith in the Doctor. That he'd never leave and always love me.

"I saw something I don't wish to remember. If that's okay with you it's okay with me"

He nods. "You're right, it's nothing that important"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now