Nightmare in Silver - 2

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Webley let me out and we left the ship and got back to the amusement park. We made it to a castle where some of the army came out, about to shoot us.

The Doctor covered his face with the chess board. "Ah! Don't shoot, don't shoot, I'm nice. Please, don't shoot. Hey, Clara, you haven't let them blow up the planet! Good job"

She had a large gun in her hands that looked like it was capable of disintegrating a Cyberman.

"Did you get the kids? Are they all right?" She asks.

"Um, a bit of a bad news, good news again thing going on, so..." she aimed the gun at him. "Good news, I kidnapped the Cyber-Planner and right now I'm sort of in control of this Cyberman. Bad news, the Cyber-Planner's in my head, and different bad news, the kids are, well, it's complicated"

He started backing up in fright as she approached him. "Complicated how?"

"Complicated as in walking coma," he said then hid behind the chess board, moving behind the kids.

"I have good news, the thing in my head doesn't have control... yet. Anyway, I'm going through some of its data and it is saying there's some sort of way to change them back. So, it's possible," I say.

"Good," Clara said.

We went inside the castle so the Doctor could finish his chess game. He got tied to a chair - hands free - in front of the chess board, and I got tied to a chair across from him. Just in case I lost control.

He ripped the golden ticket from his cheek. "He has no better than a 25% chance of winning at this stage in the game. Some very dodgy moves at the beginning. Hello, flesh girl, fantastic! I'm the Cyber-Planner!"

"Doctor?" She asked.

"More like Cyber-Doctor," I correct.

"I'm working the mouth now. Allons-y!"

"Yeah, clearly not the Doctor, he doesn't say that anymore"

"Oh, you should see the state of these neurons. He's had some cowboys in here. Ten complete rejigs"

"You aren't the Doctor," Clara says, standing beside me.

"No. But I know who you are. You're the impossible girl. Oh, he's very interested in you"

"Why am I impossible?"

"Hasn't he told you? The sly devil. Listen, soon he wakes. We'll strip you down for spare parts, then build a spaceship and move on"

"More Cybermen?"

"They're waking from their tomb right now. You can either die or live on as one of us"

The Doctor wrote something down on a piece of paper as they were talking. He wrote 'hit me'.

"The Doctor will stop you"

"He can't even access the lips"

Clara slapped him and the Doctor was back, yelling 'ow' at the slap. He put a hand to his cheek but quickly got back to the situation at hand.

"Why am I the impossible girl?" Clara asks.

"It's just a thing in my head. I'll explain later"

"Chess game, stakes?"

"If he wins, I give up my mind, he gets access to all my memories, along with knowledge of time travel. But, if I win, he'll break his promises to get out of my head and then he'll kill us all anyway"

"That's not reassuring"


"Please tell me you can fix what happened to the children"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now