Dream or Reality

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I woke up on a bed in the Tardis. The Doctor was sitting in a chair beside me, fiddling with his sonic screwdriver.

"We used to be friends. When we were young. Before you became the enemy. Before I escaped and you blew up the entire planet," I say, he looked up at my voice.

"Why bring that up now?"

"She's mine," I say.


"You stole the Tardis, during the Time War, right?"


"You didn't think of who it belonged to before? Well, this Tardis was mine"

"Maybe that's how you ended up in here, the day I regenerated, you have a connection to her," he says. "Do you know what happened?"

"No. I remember my head hurting and then I passed out. How long have I been out?"

"Oh, a while. You missed the angels, and a couple other things"

"Aww, the angels are my favourite," I whine then sigh. "I saw something, like some sort of flashback, but now it's all one big blur. I have no idea what it's about"

"Can you pick out any details?"

"You were there, or someone else named the Doctor at least. Perhaps one of your previous regenerations. That's all I remember"

The Tardis landed somewhere and the Doctor put a smile on his face. "Let's discuss this more later, right now I have friends to visit. Come along"

He walked out of the Tardis, tripping over a brick. A man with long hair in a ponytail walked out, not exactly looking a hundred percent happy.

"Rory!" The Doctor cheered.

"Doctor!" Rory greeted.

"I've crushed your flowers"

"Oh, Amy will kill you"

"Where is she?"

"She'll need a bit longer"

A pregnant woman walked out of the house, her red hair pulled back in a bun.

"Oh, hey!" The Doctor cheered, pointing at her.

"Hi!" She said in her Scottish accent.

"You swallowed a planet!"

"I'm pregnant!"

"You're huge!"

"Yeah, I'm pregnant"

"Look at you. When worlds collide!"

"Doctor, I'm pregnant"

"Oh, look at you both, five years later and you haven't changed a bit, apart from age and... size..."

"Five years?" I mumble.

"Oh, it's good to see you Doctor," Amy said.

"Are you pregnant?" The Doctor finally asked.

"Who's that?" Rory asked, finally speaking up about my presence.

"I'm the Revenant, but you two could call me Rayna if you prefer. Nice to meet you"

"I'm Amy, that's my husband Rory," Amy introduced.

They went back inside but I stopped the Doctor. "Five years? That can't be"

"That's how long you've been laying in that bed in the Tardis"

I shake my head. "I would've changed in some way. Perhaps gotten thinner with no nutrition, weaker from not walking or moving and allowing my muscles to-"

"Revenant, relax, everything's fine!"

He went in after the others and I huffed, following them. We went for a walk around the little town they lived in, most of the buildings looked old, a lot of them brick. But most of all there were barely any people walking around.

"Where is everyone?"

"This is busy," Amy told him. "Okay, it's quiet, but it's really restful and, and healthy. Lots of people around here live well into their 90s"

"Well, don't let that get you down," they all squished together on a bench while I looked around at all the vegetation growing. "I wanted to see how you were. You know me. I don't just abandon people when they leave the Tardis. This Time Lord's for life. You don't get rid of your old pal the Doctor so easily"

"You came here by mistake, didn't you?"

"Yeah, bit of a mistake. But look, what a result. Look at this bench. What a nice bench"

"Who exactly is she?" Amy whispered to the Doctor.

"Another Time Lord!"

I wandered off a little further, going down a small path, and the chirping of birds grew louder and louder. My head started to feel light and I fell to the ground.

I woke up in the bed I had woken up in before. I cautiously got up and went to the main room of the Tardis.

"That was scary," The Doctor said gasping. "Don't ask. You don't want to know. You're safe now. That's what counts. Blimey, never dropped off like that before. Well, never really. I'm getting on a bit, you see. Don't let the cool gear fool you. Now, what's wrong with the console? Red flashing lights. I bet they mean something"

"Uh, Doctor, I also had a kind of dream thing," Rory said.

"Yeah, so did I," Amy added.

"Not a nightmare, though, just um... we were married"

"Yeah, in a little village"

The Doctor popped up onto his feet, no longer interested in finding out what was wrong with the console. He paid more attention on the other two.

"A sweet little village, and you were pregnant"

"Something's messing with us," I mumble to myself.

"We all had some kind of psychic episode. We probably just jumped a time track or something," The Doctor told them. "Forget It! We're back to reality now"

I started hearing the birdsong again, and so did the others. We all looked around, trying to find where it was coming from, but only ended waking up where we had been left in the other reality. I got up from the ground and ran back to the others.

"Doctor, what is going on?" Rory asked.

"Is this because of you? Is this some Time Lordy thing because you've shown up again?" Amy asked.

"Listen to me, trust nothing. From now on, trust nothing you see, hear, or feel," he told them.

"But we're awake now," Rory said.

"You thought you were awake in the Tardis, too"

"But we're home," Amy said.

"Yeah, you're home, you're also dreaming. Trouble is, which is which? Are we flashing forwards or backwards? Hold on tight. This is going to be a tricky one"

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