The Name of the Doctor - 2

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"Where are we?"


The Doctor led the way with a torch in his hand. I could hear the whispering creatures coming after us.

"I hate catacombs. So, how come I met the dead professor?" Clara asks.

"Oh, well, you know how it is when you lose someone close to you. I sort of made a backup"

"You put her consciousness in the biggest library in the universe, right?" I say, not knowing the entire story.

"Pretty much"

The creatures caught up to us so we had to run. We made it to a door, managing to lock them on the other side of it.

"Yowzah," The Doctor said before dropping his torch.

We started climbing, but Clara looked like she was getting dizzy because she fell against a wall. The Doctor and I helped her continue walking.

"The dimensioning forces this deep in the Tardis, they can make you a bit giddy," The Doctor explains.

"I know, I know," she said, moving out of our arms. "How do I know? How do I know that?"

"Clara, it's okay. You're fine"

"Have we-have we done this before? We have. We have done this before, climbing through a wrecked Tardis. You said things, things I'm not supposed to remember"

"We can't do this now. The Tardis is a ruin. The telepathic circuits are awakening memories you shouldn't even have. Clara? Clara! What's wrong?"

"What do you mean, you keep meeting me? You said I died, how could I die?" She asked, moving away from him.

"That is not a conversation you should even remember"

"What do you mean, I died?!"

"The girl who died, he tried to save. She'll die again inside his grave," the whispering men said.

"Run. Run?!" The Doctor said, grabbing my hand and Clara's to drag us away.

We found the others, Strax, Jenny, Vastra, standing with the whispering men and a man with a top hat.

"The doors require a key. The key is a word. The word is the Doctor's"

"Here I am," the Doctor says. "Late to my own funeral. Glad you could make it. Jenny"

"Open the door, Doctor," The man ordered. "Speak, and open your tomb"


"Because you know what's in there?"

"I will not open those doors"

"The key is a word lost to time, a secret hidden in the deepest shadow and known to you alone. The answer to a question"

"I will not open my tomb," the Doctor said in his face.

"Doctor... what is your name?" The Doctor didn't say anything so the man walked around him. "The Doctor's friends. Stop their hearts"

The creatures approached us and I ran over to the Doctor and the man. "Stop this. Doctor, get away as far as you can, this'll be a lot better without you around"

"Answer the question, Doctor. Doctor who? Doctor who?!" The man demanded.

"What are you going to do?" The Doctor asks me with narrowed eyes.

I whispered his name, so quietly that I could barely even hear myself say it. The doors behind him started to open, everyone freezing.

"I'm sorry, Doctor, you should go"

He shook his head. "I'm not leaving," he turned to the man. "Now, then. Dr. Simeon. Or Mr. G. Intelligence, whatever I call you. Do you know what's in there?"

"For me, peace at last. For you, pain everlasting. Won't you invite us in?"

I stopped him from walking. "Don't do this"

"I have to," he says to me.

He led the way inside. It was the inside of the Tardis, all covered in tree branches. We walked up to where the console would've been, a tall glowing mix of strands dancing around.

"What's that?" Clara asks.

"What were you expecting, a body? Bodies are boring. I've had loads of them. No, that's not what my tomb is for"

"But what is the light?" Vastra asks.

"It's beautiful," Jenny says.

"Should I destroy it?" Strax asks.

"Doctor, explain. What is that?" Clara asks.

"The tracks of my tears," he says.

"Less poetry, Doctor. Just tell them," Simeon says.

"Time travel is... damage. It's like a tear in the fabric of reality. That is the scar tissue of my journey through the universe, my path through time and space from Gallifrey... to Trenzalore"

He took out his screwdriver, aiming it at the light, and a voice spoke. But then more spoke. All different voices belonging to the same person. The Doctor.

"It's my own personal time tunnel. All the days, even the ones that... I, uh... even the ones that I haven't lived yet..."

He fell to the ground and Clara and I ran over to his side to check on him.

"Which is why I shouldn't be here," he said. "The paradoxes. It's very bad"

Simeon went closer to the light. I stood up, going over to stop him, but one of the creatures put a hand on my shoulder and my hearts stopped instantly. Everything went black.

When I was able to see again, to move, I got up with the help of the Doctor and noticed everyone standing around. Everyone except Clara.

"We're not all restored," he said.

"You're going to get her back? But how?" Jenny asks.

"Is she still alive? It killed Dr. Simeon," Vastra says.

"She isn't him, though. She's the impossible girl," I say. "Doctor, let me go find her. You going in there, to your own timeline, it's even more dangerous than you being here"

He didn't seem to listen to me though. "Now... if I don't come back, and I might not... go to the Tardis. Revenant will take you home," he told them then looked at me. "Then I want you to go home. The Tardis'll shut herself down"

I tried to slap the Doctor but he grabbed my wrist. "There's gotta be something better than what you're thinking," I say.

He held my face in his hands and kissed me. This was probably going to be the last time I ever got to kiss him, so I didn't want to move away. I didn't want him to leave.

He pulled away, keeping the distance minimal. "I don't know how to say goodbye"

"Say it like you're going to see me again," I say, a couple tears streaming down my cheeks.

He backed up a bit, avoiding looking at me completely, only taking small glances. "See you around, Revenant"

"You're going to make it back," I say.

"Don't wait up," he tells me with a small smile.

He stepped into the light, the light growing and blocking out my view of the room.

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant