The Day of the Doctor

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I was in bed, sleeping, while the Doctor waited in the console room for Clara to arrive, when the Tardis suddenly started to move. I fell out of bed, being woken up by my body hitting the floor hard.

I ran out of my room after tossing on a house coat to see what was going on. Clara was holding onto the console, keeping herself from falling. Her motorbike was parked next to her. The Doctor was running around, trying to figure out what was going on. Then he got on the phone, having to stand in the open doorway looking out on London.

He fell out, but caught himself by his feet. He reached up, holding onto the wood, dangling as we were lowered down. I hurried back to my bedroom, changing out of my pyjamas now that I knew nothing urgent was going on.

Then I ran out, hurrying after the Doctor into the building we landed in front of. A gallery. There were a bunch of Unit guards standing around, guarding things.

"Did you know her, Elizabeth I?" Clara asked the Doctor.

"Unified Intelligence Taskforce," he told her.


"This lot, Unit. They investigate alien stuff, anything alien"

"What, like you two?"

"I work for them, and the Revenant isn't on their list of enemies"

"You have a job?"

"Why shouldn't I? I'd be brilliant at having a job"

"You don't have a job"

"I do, this is my job! I'm doing it now!"

"You never have a job"

"Do. I do"

We stopped in front of a painting that was covered by a cloth, but the guards removed it once we were stopped. It was a painting of Gallifrey. My breath got stuck in my throat, seeing this still image of what used to be home.

"Elizabeth's credentials, Doctor," Kate, the woman who brought us here, said.

"But... but that's not possible," I say.

"No More," The Doctor said.

"That's the title," Kate tells him.

"I know that's the title"

"Also known as Gallifrey Falls"

"This painting doesn't belong here. Not in this time or place. It's the fall of Arcadia, Gallifrey's second city"

"But how is it doing that? How is that possible?" Clara asks, stepping closer to it. "It's an oil painting in 3D"

"Time Lord art. Bigger on the inside. A slice of real time... frozen"

"Elizabeth told us where to find it. And it's significance," Kate says.

The Doctor took my hand and I held onto his tightly. The scene in front of me, that city, it was the last thing I had seen of Gallifrey. That's where I had been at the time of the start of the war. Someone with no clue what would happen.

"He was there"

"Who was?" Clara asks him.

"Me. The other me. The one I don't talk about"

"I don't understand"

"I've had many faces, many lives. I don't admit to all of them. There's one life I've tried. He was the Doctor who fought in the Time War and that was the day he did it, the day I did it..."

"The day he killed them all," I finish in a low voice.

"The last day of the Time War. The war to end all wars, between my people and the Daleks. And in that battle there was a man with more blood on his hands than any other, a man who would commit a crime that would silence the universe, and that man was me"

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