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"Appalappachia!" The Doctor said.

"Appalappachia?" Amy repeated.

"Appalappachia," Rory said.

"Appalappachia," The Doctor said again.

"Appalappachia," I say, making everyone jump and look at me. "Hi"

"Revenant! Just on time, how was your trip?"

"Eh, nothing's ever as exciting without you around. No trouble to be getting into"

I had started to travel more recently alongside the Doctor and the Ponds, going my own way a couple times for my own interests. The Doctor was now wearing a trench coat instead of his tweed jacket, it reminded me of when I first met the Doctor before he regenerated.

"Appalappachia," Amy said, going back to the topic at hand. "What a beautiful word"

"Beautiful word, beautiful world! Voted top 2 planet in the top 10 greatest destinations for the discerning intergalactic traveller"

"Why couldn't we go to number 1?" Rory asks.

"It's hideous"

"Truly is," I agree.

"Everyone goes to number 1. Planet of the Coffee Shops. Appalappachia," he said, moving down to the door with us following. "I give you sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades. I give you..."

Rory peeked his head out. "Doors"

"Doors, Yes. I-I give you doors. But on the other side of those doors, I give you sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades"

We stepped out into the white room, going towards the doors. Amy stayed in the Tardis, getting her phone to take pictures with. I waited back for her while Rory and the Doctor went ahead through the doors.

When she had her phone she came over to the closed doors, pressing the red button. We walked into the room but didn't find the Doctor or Rory, and it was too late to turn around because the doors had closed.

We sat down in front of a large magnifying glass on a table where the Doctor's and Rory's faces appeared.

"What do you mean you've found-Whoa!" Rory said. "No, but-But she's not here. I can see her but she's not here"

I circled the table, not finding anyone on the other side, trying to figure out what was happening.

"Where are we? In fact, where are you?" Amy asked.

Something happened on their end and everything went fuzzy. I tried to fix it with my sunglasses but it wouldn't work no matter what I tried. Then I tried it on the doors but nothing happened. We were locked in.

"It's no use. We're stuck until someone comes"

We waited. I paced around the room while trying to think of something. Finally, the screen came back.

"And where have you been? We've been here a week," Amy said to the Doctor.

"A week?!" The Doctor and Rory repeated.

"I'm so sorry," The Doctor said. "Ah, same room two different time streams running parallel but at different speeds. You two are in a faster time stream!"

From the glass we could see a robot of sorts walk into their room, making them panic for a bit.

"Appalappachia is under planet wide quarantine. This is a kindness facility for those infected with Chen-7," the robot said.

The Doctor and I immediately covered our mouths and noses after the robot finished explaining. Amy and Rory followed suit.

"Chen-7?" Rory asked.

"The one day plague"

"What, you-you get it for a day?"

"You get it and you die in a day"

"There are 40000 residents in the Two Streams facility. Please remain in the sterile areas. Visiting hours are now," the robot said.

It then teleported out of their room. The Doctor sat back in front of the magnifying glass.

"Sterile area. I'm safe"

"What about me?" Amy asked, poking the glass.

"Chen-7 only affects two hearted races. Like Appalappachians"

"And Time Lords," Amy adds, looking at me.

"Yeah, like us. Walk into that facility, we're dead in a day," The Doctor stood up, pacing as he thought aloud. "Time moves faster on their side of the glass. Amy, you said you'd been here a week. What did you eat?"

"Nothing. I wasn't hungry"

"No. Because with that red waterfall, time is compressed. That's the point of the time glass. It syncs up the time streams for visits. You could be here for a day and watch them live out their entire lives"

"And watch them grow old in front of your eyes?" Rory asks. "It's horrible"

"No, Rory, it's kind. You've got a choice. Sit by their bedside for 24 hours and watch them die, or sit in here for 24 hours and watch them live. Which would you chose?"

The magnifying glass vanished but the Doctor was still there. Although we couldn't see him we could hear him.

"I'm taking the time glass back to the Tardis. Like sat-nav I can use it to get a lock on you, then smash through using the Tardis to get you out. Amy, I need you to go into the facility, just for a bit. Find somewhere safe and leave me a sign. Remember, you're immune to Chen-7 but don't let them give you anything. They don't know you're alien. Their kindness will kill you. Now go"

She went to the doors, pressing the check in button. "Rory. I love you. Now save me. Go on"

"Doctor?" I asked now that Amy was gone.

"Revenant," he said, sounding conflicted. "I-I don't know what to say... have you tried using your ring?"

"I've been in here a week, of course I have. I've tried everything possible. I might as well just go let myself die"

"Don't say that, don't you dare say that"

A robot came into the room and I stood up quickly, trying to avoid it. But a couple more came in, cornering me.

"No! Stay away from her! If I had more time-"

"Darling, go buy a brain. You know this is the end for me. Goodbye, Doctor"


One of the robots touched its hand to my neck and I fell to the ground unconscious.

I didn't expect to wake up, but I did, in the same bed I woke up in after I was shot by my father. The same one I woke up in all those other times.

"How is that possible?" I mumbled.

"I'll, uh, leave you two alone," I heard the Doctor say from down the hall.

I sat up, watching as the door opened and the Doctor walked in, looking down. When he looked up he jumped a bit when he saw me.

"You're alive? How?!" He exclaimed just above a whisper.

"I wonder that every time I somehow wake up in the Tardis"

He moved over to the bed, sitting on the edge beside me, and pulled me in for a hug with a smile on his face.

"I thought you had died"

"So did I. I don't know what happened after I was knocked out, wether I was exposed to Chen-7 or not, but I feel completely fine, none of the symptoms"

He let go of me, moving his hands to my cheeks. Then he kissed me. I was surprised, but my hands rested on his arms.

"Doctor, what happened to Rayna? Rory told me she's dead. Is that true?" Amy called from down the hall.

We pulled away from each other, staring at each other's eyes for a minute, then he got up and ran out.

"Great news, Ponds!"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon