The New Doctor

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A pounding in my head woke me up. It felt like someone was hitting my head with a hammer. But as soon as I opened my eyes it was gone, like it was never there. I was on a bed, not sure where though. When I got up to check it out I noticed I was in the Tardis. The one I assumed belonged to the Doctor.

"What?" I say aloud.

I went out to the main area where the console used to fly the Tardis was. The Doctor was no where in sight so I went outside to check. It was snowing and we were clearly in London. I saw him on the ground, there was an Ood standing nearby, music coming from his orb.

"This song is ending, but the story never ends," the Ood said mysteriously.

My feet automatically brought me over to the Doctor. I helped him up and brought him back to the Tardis.

"What are you doing here?" He asked painfully.

"I don't know, I just woke up in the Tardis"

"Go, now," he orders.

"Really? After everything I said for you against my father? I'm not leaving the Tardis"

"You really should go now"

I shake my head. He pressed a couple buttons then stood still as the parts of the Tardis started catching on fire. The Doctor had flashes of light covering his face and hands, I had to cover my eyes because it was so bright. Things were blowing up all around us.

As the Doctor regenerated I ran around the console, trying to keep the Tardis from crashing since he put us in flight. The light around the Doctor left and he looked around, getting used to his new form.

"Legs? I've still got legs," I stole a quick glance at him and saw he was checking for body parts. Legs, arms, hands, fingers, eyes, nose, then hair. "Hair... I'm a girl!" He said, his voice cracking.

"You're definitely not a girl, mate," I tell him.

He looks at the colour of his hair, sounding frustrated. "And still not ginger!"

"If you're so keen on being a ginger just dye your hair"

The Tardis shook and I had to hold on to keep myself from being tossed all over the place. The Doctor, finally thinking properly, came over and helped me try to get control of the Tardis. Well, not really, he cheered as we were falling through space, about to crash into the Earth.

"Geronimo!!" He yelled.

"You aren't going to try to stop this thing from crashing?!"

"Why are you here? How?"

The doors of the Tardis swung open, showing us that we were flying above London. "We have bigger problems to worry about, Doctor!"

He went over to try and close the door but ended up falling out when we lurched to the side, having to hold on to the edge for dear life. He started screaming when he nearly hit the point at the top of Big Ben. I rolled my eyes and rushed over, pulling him back into the Tardis and closing the doors behind him.

"You've got a new face but still the same, stupid brain"


His brown hair flopped in his face as he spun to face me. It was short but long enough to cover his forehead. I just noticed he had a large nose, chin and ears, green eyes, looked to be in his mid-twenties and was thin.

I laugh wholeheartedly. "Ha! You know I remember hearing about you Doctor, from the Shadow Proclamation. They took me in until it was decided I'd live on Earth"

"I heard about you as well. The daughter of the President. The Revenant. The girl who came back to life even when it was past the chance of regeneration"

"That's how I got my name, after that Dalek shot me and I came back to life. I saw that the name fit"

The Tardis hit the ground but fell on it's side, sending me and the Doctor down the long hallway, straight into the library which, for some reason, had a pool inside. Now, not only were my clothes ripped up, they were wet. I swam up to the surface of the pool.

But when I surfaced I was no longer with the Doctor, he was nowhere in sight. I pulled myself out of the water, all while thinking about where the Doctor could have possibly ended up.

I walked out of the TARDIS, realizing that I was on some other ship. As I wandered around the ship I saw this was a Dalek ship, and there were live Daleks on the ship. Five of them were in different colours, blue, yellow, white, red, and orange. The other three were the old, rustic versions.

"All hail the new Daleks!" The old ones were exclaiming.

"Yes. You are inferior," one of the bright coloured ones said.


"Then prepare"

"We are ready"

"Cleanse the unclean!" Some of the new ones exclaimed as they turned to the older ones. "Total obliteration! Disintegrate!"

Each of the old Daleks got shot, disintegrating. I chose this time to approach them, not scared but worried for what would happen to the universe now that these Daleks were alive.

"Hello again," I say, mainly to the Doctor.

The Doctor wasn't wearing the suit I last saw him in. Instead he wore a tweed jacket and a bow tie around his neck. His eyes looked me up and down, inspecting my soaking wet body, then stopped on my eyes once again.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I don't know"

"Who is this female Time Lord?!" The white Dalek demands.

"You probably don't recognize me, I do have a different face. I'm the Revenant"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now