The End of Time - 2

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I was shoved into the bedroom and the guards stood outside, locking the doors. It looked like the bedroom of a girl around mid 20s. Something female like but not too child like. Pale pink walls, pale pink bedspread, white curtains, dresser and desk.

When the time was right - after I made sure there were no guards nearby - I snuck out the window, jumping down from the second floor and keeping myself hidden in bushes. I snuck around the building, having to hide in the stables while the guards marched past.

From the corner of my eye, something was barely visible. Something blue. I faced it but saw nothing. I took a couple steps forward, my hand extended in front of me. Something stopped my hand and when I touched it, a Tardis disguised as an old fashioned police box appeared.

The blue box.

The guards were starting to come into the stables so I slid inside the Tardis, lucky she was unlocked. I felt some sort of connection to this machine but I couldn't place what it was, so I ignored it.

"Oh, I haven't flown one of these in years! I actually don't remember ever flying one," I say, racing up to the console. "Aren't you gorgeous"

"A star fell from the sky," the Master's voice sounded around the Tardis. She was picking up an open broadcast. "Don't you want to know where from? Because now it makes sense, Doctor. The whole of my life, my destiny. The star was a diamond. And the diamond... is a white point star"

I took in a sharp breath. "Impossible"

"And I have worked all night to sanctify that gift. Now the star is mine. I can increase the signal, and use it as a lifeline. Do you get it now? Do you see? Keep watching, Doctor. This should be... spectacular. Over and out"

"This is impossible!" I scream, hitting the console of the Tardis, then I gripped tightly onto it, ducking my head down between my arms. "This can't be happening"

I heard some faint explosions from outside. That could mean one of two things. The Master had gone crazy. Or, the Doctor was up to something.

I ran outside, completely forgetting about the guards but finding an advantage to being caught by them. They would bring me to where I needed to be at the moment. They grabbed me and brought me back to the office where the Master was. There was a bright light inside of the room, coming from one of the walls, and 5 people in red robes - two women with hands covering their eyes and three serious looking men - came through the wall.

"Father?" I ask weakly and so quietly no one heard it except me and him.

"Revenant. I'm so glad you chose that name"

I blinked a couple times then looked up at the ceiling after hearing some screaming. The Doctor was falling, aiming to go straight through the glass window on the ceiling. He fell and landed dead centre, a gun in his hand.

"The day the Doctor picks up a gun is the day the world ends," I say out loud, not knowing why I said it or how I could even think that. It's not like I knew the man and what he was like.

All eyes went from the Doctor, who laid on the ground in pain with shattered glass surrounding him, to me. I looked up at my father who had a staff in his hand.

"You chose the wrong day to come," I whisper.

"My Lord Doctor," Father said, walking towards the Doctor who was still trying to recover from the fall. "My Lord Master. We are gathered... for the end"

The Doctor groaned as he pushed himself up onto his knees. "Listen to me. You can't-"

"It is a fitting paradox that our salvation comes at the hands of our most infamous child," Father said to the Master.

"Oh, he's not saving you. Don't you realize what he's doing?"

"Hey, no, hey!" The Master shouts at the Doctor. "That's mine. Hush. Look around you. I've transplanted myself into every single Human being. But who wants a mongrel little species like them? Because now I can transplant myself into every single Time Lord!"

Father took a deep breath, I could see him starting to become wary of what the Master was saying.

"Oh, yes, Mister President, sir! Standing there all noble and resplendent and decrepit. Think how much better you're gonna look... as me!"

Father held up his hand, showing the Master the gauntlet he wore, then he put his hand out so his palm was facing up, a blue light surrounding it. The heads of each Human in the room started shaking.

"No! No, no, no! Stop it! No, no, no, no! Don't!"

When the heads stopped shaking, and everyone had their own faces back, my father spoke.

"On your knees, Mankind"

Everyone got to their knees, looking scared and terrified of the strange people that stood before them. Humans could be cowards but they were also brilliant. Brilliant cowards is how I would describe them exactly.

"That's-that's fine, that's good. Because you said salvation. I still saved you. Don't forget that," the Master said.

"The approach begins"

A rumbling started all around us. "The approach of what?" The Master asked.

"Something is returning. Don't you ever listen?" The Doctor snapped at the Master. "That was the prophecy. Not someone, something!"

"What is it?!"

"They're not just bringing back the species. It's Gallifrey! Right here, right now!"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now