Donna and the Doctor

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I stood up, finding myself on a bathroom floor for some reason, then came face to face with a strange looking face. I was staring at a mirror. It was my face. Somehow, during my time travel, I must've regenerated. I inspected my face a little then noticed the clothes I was wearing were a bit baggy.

"Now, what am I supposed to do?"

The ring on my finger wouldn't work. I tried to go back to the time I had been in, where I was with the Doctor, but remained stuck in this time. The ring must've also been what caused my regeneration.

I left the building I was in - it was for something called Adipose - and started wandering around the streets. I saw the Doctor, but it was his previous regeneration, his tenth. My eyes widened because I wasn't expecting to see him.

"I've gone back in time through the Doctor's timeline," I mumble to myself. "Or I just so happened to travel to a time before the Doctor was his new self..."

The Doctor looked up from some weird device he had in his hand. It was aimed at me and it was beeping like crazy. He hurried over to me, glancing down at the device then back at me.

"Who are you?"


His eyes narrowed. "What are you?"


"No you aren't, something is off, this wouldn't be beeping if you were human"

"I'm telling the truth"

"Everyone lies. I lie, a lot"

'I know' I thought as I roll my eyes, looking around the dark and empty streets. He smiled brightly and it reminded me of the regeneration I had when I had been with him, my ginger hair that the Doctor was jealous of.

"Ha! You've gone silent," he cheered.

"Silence doesn't mean that person quits, it simply means that one doesn't want to argue with people who don't want to understand"

His smile fell. "Who are you?" He asked again.

I looked down at the ground. "No one"

I left, sticking close by to him in the shadows so I'd be able to find him and the Tardis. They might've been my only way back to my time.

"Don't you find it lonely in here? What happened to all your companions?" I asked, stepping inside the empty Tardis.

"How'd you get in? Who are you?" The Doctor asked, removing his glasses.

I smiled. "I'm someone from your future, but also your present and even a bit of your past"

"I know I shouldn't be asking but what can you tell me about it?"

"You don't die anytime soon. There are many, many times you come close, you think you're going to die, but you don't. So don't give up, whatever you do"

I stepped closer and pulled him forward, kissing him. I had missed the feeling of this Doctor's lips, but that was only the way I felt as the Witness. As who I was now - the Witness and the Revenant together - it was nothing compared to the Eleventh Doctor.

When I pulled away he had a slightly dazed look in his eye. It was the same look he had when I first kissed him suddenly. He always seemed to get that look whenever I suddenly kissed him. Although right now I was pretty much a stranger.

I went towards the door, but he had still remained frozen on the spot.

"You coming along, then, stranger?" I ask. "I'm sure you've gotten yourself into some trouble that you need help getting out of"

The Revenant (Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now